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Tragic Details About Ben Affleck And Plastic Surgery

Has he or has he not gone under the knife? That’s what a lot of fans and critics alike can’t help but wonder, especially after many ciritics couldn’t help but roast Ben Affleck about supposedly getting a new ‘face.’ Ouch. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Celeb News: Tragic Details About Ben Affleck And Plastic Surgery

Has Ben Affleck gotten plastic surgery? That’s the question everyone seems to be asking these days. The actor has been trolled with lots of speculation about whether or not he’s gone under the knife after critics on social media roasted him by saying the actor is about to do a hard launch with a new face. This was while Ben was supposedly roasting Tom Brady during his Netflix special. Yikes.

Of course, many critics have had a lot to say about the matter. Some have commented with, “Ben definitely has been botoxed. Many men get this more than women. Ben is one of the most insecure women in Hollywood. Nothing more UNATTRACTIVE than a man getting a face lift but there is only one person in his life that probably made him do it and it’s his wife Jennifer Lopez,” along with, “So what if they did everybody does it in hollywood, Why do people have to ride them for it, It their business their money and their body. Then again Ben Affleck looked crazy, he was angry clearly didn’t understand what a roast was. But yes he was also looking very different. I’m sure everyone noticed.”

Celeb News: Did Ben Affleck Go Under The Knife?

Another critic wrote, “Did both Tom and Ben go hand and hand to the plastic surgery appointment…they both look like wax figures of themselves. Then again that’s what happens when you marry someone like Jennifer Lopez. I’m sure she made him do it. Who else?”

So far Ben Affleck himself has not made any comments about the matter, although at this point it’s doubtful that he will. 

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