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Jessica Simpson Criticized For Looking Completely Unrecognizable

Jessica, is that really you? A lot of people couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow over the latest photos that Jessica Simpson had posted on her Instagram account. That’s because she didn’t look anything like her normal self. Or at least, according to her fans and social media followers. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Celeb News: Jessica Simpson Criticized For Looking Completely Unrecognizable

The former chart topper is being heavily criticized for altering her appearance so much, that many of her fans would have a hard time recognizing her on the street. And a lot of her fans made it pretty clear that they want the old Jessica back because the new one looks nothing like her former self.

Of course, her fans sure did have a lot to say about the matter on social media. Many of them commented on her page with, “Jessica was/is a beautiful woman. Her incredibly beautiful genetics are displayed in her children. Why does this world make beautiful women feel like they have to do this to themselves?” along with, “I met Jessica years ago at an an NFL game when she was still married to Nick. She had zero make up on and was absolutely the most naturally beautiful person I had ever seen, her skin and face were perfection.”

Celeb News: Did Jessica Simpson Go Too Far?

Another critic wrote, “Sad that the natural beauty she once had was discounted by someone who made her feel less than she was. This is a nice family moment. Wish she never did anything to herself.”

And then there was this comment as well, “No disrespect, but I love and admire the old Jessica face. She was all natural beauty. I use to buy all her clothing & shoe line I wanted to be so much like the OLD Jessica.”

So far Jessica herself has not made any comments about the criticism she’s received, although it’s doubtful that she will at this point.

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