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Kamala Harris Terrified About Her Political Career For This Reason

Kamala Harris is terrified for her political career. Now that Michelle Obama has set the record straight about her own presidential campaign (or lack thereof, really), it seems like the spotlight is going to be on the Vice President. But unfortunately for Kamala, it’s going to be on her for all of the wrong reasons. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Kamala Harris Terrified About Her Political Career For This Reason

On Tuesday, former First Lady Michelle Obama set the record straight about all of the rumors suggesting she was going to run for the office of the President of the United States. Michelle said that at this time, she has no desire to do so. She put it this way, “As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president. Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign.”

Unfortunately for the Democratic party, this means that they are stuck with President Joe Biden and Kamala. But they know that the odds are not very good for them right now, mostly because they don’t have a chance to win against Donald Trump and the Republican party. Many people on both sides of the aisle are concerned about Joe Biden’s age and the decline in his cognitive health. Critics know that he will barely make it to the end of the year, let alone another four-year term.

What’s Next For VP Harris?

With Michelle Obama out of the running, everyone is going to assume that Kamala is going to step it up and perhaps even replace Joe Biden in the hopes that she can win the presidential race this year. But even her biggest fans know that’s not going to happen and that she risks failing horribly. And when she does fail, it’s going to be the end of her political career, too. That’s why she needs to act fast. Or, she just needs to get out of the race altogether before it’s too late. Watch this space.

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