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General Hospital Fans Sound Off On Jason And Carly Romance

General Hospital fans have sounded off on the possibility of seeing Jason Morgan and Carly Corinthos romantically linked. It seems like the last things fans want to see is these two getting together in any romantic sense. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital Fans Sound Off On Jason And Carly Romance

With Steve Burton’s on-screen return just a few weeks away, General Hospital fans were asked what they thought about seeing Jason Morgan with Carly Corinthos again? Should they become a hot and heavy couple? Of course, many GH fans sure did have a lot to say about the matter. Some have commented with, “Not particularly. They’re best as friends. I would also like to see her not interfere in his love life. They work better as BFFs and besides which Jason should spend time with his family members first, especially Monica, Drew, Michael and his sons, Jake and Danny,” along with, “Not romantically. He’s been her best friend forever and it was awkward when they paired up when Sonny was missing. The only one Jason was great with was Britt. You could see him smile, be caring and enjoy himself. Please do not put him with Carly, only as his BFF.”

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Another General Hospital fan wrote, “No. With everything that’s been going on, it is clearly not a good time for Jason to be back with Carly, or any other woman that he knows for that matter. I’m hoping that Jason’s return will coincide with the eventual revelation of who has been trying to take Sonny out; so that Jason will dramatically rescue Sonny from that mystery person at the last possible second.”

Clearly, the fans had spoken! Now, what will happen between Jason and Carly remains to be seen. Something tells us that Carly is going to be shocked at the sight of  her ex-BFF, nonetheless.

Of course, General Hospital fans will have to tune in each and every day to find out what will happen next. General Hospital airs on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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