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GH Spoilers Update Thursday, February 8: Angry Accusations, Questionable Favors, Humble Requests

GH Spoilers Update Thursday, February 8: Angry Accusations, Questionable Favors, Humble Requests

General Hospital spoilers and updates for Thursday, February 8 tease angry accusations, questionable favors and humble requests.

John “Jagger” Cates (Adam Harrington) makes an angry accusation, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) asks for questionable favors, and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) has a humble request.

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Spencer Gets An Assist

At the Metro Court restaurant, Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) gets an assist from Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton). Brook Lynn is smiling and positive as she tells Carly “let’s do this!”

Carly has had some professional growing pains learning a job she’s never done before-editor in chief of a cutting edge fashion magazine.

With Brook Lynn’s help she’ll be able to make Crimson’s goals the way Brook Lynn’s grandmother Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) wants them for Deception Cosmetics. Carly will be grateful for all the help Brook Lynn can give, after that recent business meeting they had.

GH Spoilers: Willow Corinthos Worried About Drew Cain

Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen) is worried about Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) as she can see clearly he’s not acting himself. He is livid and wild eyed as he tells her something’s never going to happen again.

Willow had talked to Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) previously and he said Drew wanted him to help him with his vendetta against Nina, who’s Willow’s birth mother.

Michael had also declined, saying he wanted there to be peace in the family and in particular with his father Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) who’s been very hurt. What is going on with Drew?

General Hospital Spoilers: Angry Accusations

At the PCPD, Cates gives attitude to Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) and newly hired Port Charles Police Commissioner Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) as he makes an angry accusation.

He asks what information did they go to jail for to hide from him, Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) having forced him to drop the charges. That attitude will certainly go over with Anna like a bouquet full of thorns!

The ball’s in Anna’s court now and it’s Cates who has to share information as well as Anna, because she’s no longer a civilian and this is her jurisdiction. Anna’s determined to find out who shot at her, Sonny, and Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) and who stole the gun shipment from the WSB arsenal in Berlin!

GH Spoilers: Concerned Adult Children

Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) and Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) are concerned adult children when Finn tells Chase what happened at the cemetery after Spencer Cassadine’s (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) funeral.

Gregory Chase, (Gregory Harrison) whose ALS has recently been progressing was clutching his chest and having problems breathing. Finn wanted to take him to the hospital but he talked him out of it, and Finn was upset he was hiding symptoms from him.

Finn talks to his brother about plans for their father, telling him he thinks it’s time for Dad to stop living on his own. But how are they going to convince their stubborn father to agree?

General Hospital Spoilers: Questionable Favors

Back at the Metro Court restaurant, Nina asks Martin Gray (Michael E. Knight) for some questionable favors. Perhaps she’s thinking about suing Drew for wrongful termination, and Martin asks her how exactly does she propose to do that?

If it’s an at will employment state, employers don’t have to have a reason to fire someone.

GH Spoilers Update Thursday, February 8: Angry Accusations, Questionable Favors, Humble Requests

If it’s a state that only allows firing based on performance issues or disruptive activity in the workplace, then she might have a shot. If not, she doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on.

GH Spoilers: Humble Requests

It looks like Michael has gone to see his father Sonny at his office at Pozzulo’s, as he tells him he hopes that he can forgive him. Michael’s totally let go of his anger and his vendetta against Sonny and he wants everything normal between them.

This has been a long-running anger issue and vendetta with Michael, being angry at him for dumping his mother Carly for Nina, although it was more complicated than that.

He’s definitely got Sonny’s attention but with everything going on can Sonny bring himself to trust his son? And will he trust Michael enough to tell him his life’s in danger and it’s an inside out?

General Hospital Spoilers: Angry Responses To Angry Accusations

Back at the PCPD, Anna delivers an angry response to Cates’ angry accusation-she tells him to get the hell out of her way! If he’s unwilling to cooperate with the PCPD then she’s unwilling to cooperate with the FBI. It certainly seems a battle of the wills is in force between Anna and Cates.

Will she have to call Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) again to have Cates removed from the building? If he were in court with a judge he’d have been dismissed from the courtroom!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.


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