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Days of Our Lives Lawsuit: Fans Are Split About Arianne Zucker’s Big Move

Days of Our Lives fans are speaking out about Arianne Zucker’s big move. The actress, who was best known for her role as Nicole Walker on the show, was fired back in October after she spoke out about her harassment claims. She’s now suing the producers of the soap, which has some fans a little split about the move. That’s because there’s heavy speculation that Arianne’s lawsuit will end Days of Our Lives for good. Here’s what you need to know.

Days of Our Lives Lawsuit: Fans Are Split About Arianne Zucker’s Big Move

In her lawsuit, Arianne claims that Albert Alarr, the show’s longtime executive producer who was fired in August, “repeatedly sexually harassed and inappropriately touched” her. Ken Corday, and his company Corday Productions are also defendants in the suit.

“Alarr would put his hands on [Zucker’s] waist, with his thumbs placed just above her vagina, and move her around, all the while smirking and grinning in a sexual manner, making [Zucker] extremely uncomfortable and violated,” the complaint states.

It goes without saying that many fans sure did have a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some even commented with, “#TeamAri I also hope there’s an avenue for a negotiated settlement and Ari continues her contract. For some reason when they said that he once forced a kiss on someone… I had a feeling it was her. I’m sorry for everything she and the other ladies went through,” along with, “Good for her!! I hope others who were abused join her. I don’t want Days to end, but AA and KC need to be held accountable!! And you know that there are other women who can make this same claim! Nadia? Lindsay? Come out! Come out! Where ever you are!”

Days of Our Lives Lawsuit: What’s Next For Arianne Zucker?

Another Days of Our Lives fan wrote, “Good for her. I I don’t want her gone from the show. She is too talented and valuable to Days! I have a feeling that some of her cast mates may not stand behind her. Their friendship with Kenny has blinded them from the truth!”

And then there was this comment as well: “Tired of her being bullied by the men in this industry. I hope she wins. Ken not protecting/defending her after she’s been on this show 20+ years is disgusting and indefensible. His parents are rolling over in their graves. He needs to get off that show immediately.”

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