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Jennifer Lopez Asked Rude Question About Her Marriage

She certainly didn’t expect to be asked this on the red carpet. It seems like Jennifer Lopez just can’t catch a break as there seems to be so much speculation surrounding the state of her marriage to her husband Ben Affleck. And while there’s no doubt that the tabloid media is reporting on it, the multi-talented singer and actress certainly didn’t expect to be asked about it on the red carpet. Yet, that’s exactly what happened at the Golden Globes on Sunday night. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Jennifer Lopez Asked Rude Question About Her Marriage

Jennifer Lopez was asked a rather rude question about her marriage at the awards ceremony. She was asked about how she and Ben Affleck deal with all the rumors about their marital issues. The reporter asked, “So how do you know your last wedding is it?” to which Jennifer was forced to respond with, “ “Because when they say, ‘You know,’ you know.”

She then added, “And other times when you didn’t know, you also didn’t know. I think he sees me as an artist and he knows that I’m going to express myself and he’s my biggest fan and biggest supporter.”

To add even more insult to injury, Jennifer was also asked about all of the nasty faces that her husband usually gives the paparazzi whenever they are out and about. Clearly, Jennifer was put on the spot more times than she should have been before the Golden Globes had even started. Even though she was put on the spot, thankfully Jennifer handled it all like a pro and did not lose her cool at all.

That said, Ben Affleck has not made any comments about the matter on his end although at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said. Watch this space as we have a feeling there will be more juicy celeb drama from JLo and Ben to come.

Ben Affleck Has No Comments About The Matter

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

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