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Meghan Markle Divorce: Prince Harry’s Exit Plan

Things just seem to be going from bad to worse for Prince Harry these days. According to multiple reports, he’s unhappy at home, he misses his family and his friends in the UK and he keeps dealing with one legal blow after another. This has prompted a lot of fans to wonder: is the Duke of Sussex depressed? Is he considering an exit plan? Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Divorce: Prince Harry’s Exit Plan

According to the latest reports, Prince Harry lost his libel suit against the Daily Mail. He’s also fighting the court system in the hopes that he can get his protection reinstated back in the UK, but that doesn’t seem to be going his way, either. If that weren’t enough, Omid Scobie’s new book, Endgame, has opened a can of worms for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. That’s because the Dutch version of the book accidentally revealed the name of the two supposed ‘royal racists’ which has given the royal family yet another reason to turn their backs on Harry and Meghan. To put it simply, Harry feels like everything is just going wrong in his life lately.

All the reasons above – plus plenty of more – could be why Prince Harry is seriously considering an exit plan right now. And by that, it means he is looking to leave California and maybe even his wife Meghan behind. Being married to the ex-Hollywood star and living as two financially-independent royals just doesn’t seem to make sense for Prince Harry anymore. He’s lost his family, he’s lost his credibility, and it seems like he’s losing his mind as well.

Royal Family News: What’s Next For The Duke Of Sussex?

Now, whether or not Harry does pull the plug on his marriage to Meghan remains to be seen, but many royal fans and critics alike think that all the stress just doesn’t seem to be worth it anymore. Watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more to come.

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.


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7 months ago

I think Harry needs to go back home, I like him alot more then I do William. I think he getting depression and not happy like he used to be.
He shouldn’t have been stripped of his service.
I really wish Harry would have been the older and would because King, he has so much companion.

7 months ago

Harry should have married someone his equal someone molike him! He went nuts over Muglugand has let her run and ruin his life! Far as I am concerned he made his bed let him lie in it! They should bar him from England and the family need to forget there was ever a Harry! He did it to himself stupid ass!

Susan Aldrich
Susan Aldrich
7 months ago

I wonder if there was a divorce what happens to those adorable children.

7 months ago

PH should leave his wife but he can’t be trusted if he wants to go back home. PH and his life is a mess now he states, well just wait when he tries to divorce that wife of his, can you imagine the fights and how much more trauma he will have, hell megain wants that Title cus she wants to go thru life pretending she’s a queen. Lol IMO PH made a mess of his life once mm did everything possible to get him to marry her, even a fake pregnancy. PH now knows how his wife can lie and lie about everything and he realizes he can’t change her and all the trouble she continuously causes. Yes, IMO the man is stuck and he has n his mental problems too, but he went along with his wife bad mouthing and causing trouble with his family and now they do not want him back cus even him trying to go back alone, KC3 and RF cannot trust him, so he can divorce her but figure out where he can start over, Africa maybe cus Canada doesn’t want him.

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