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Camilla Parker Bowles Left Humiliated In Kenya

Well this certainly doesn’t happen very often. Queen Camilla was left humiliated during her trip to Kenya. That’s because during one of her shopping trips, she had no cash to pay for the items that she wanted to buy. Talk about royal problems, right? Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: Camilla Parker Bowles Left Humiliated In Kenya

There’s a new report that says Queen Camilla supposedly went shopping in Kenya but unfortunately, neither she nor her staff had enough cash. It happens, right? You’d think that the Queen of England could get away with getting some freebies, but that didn’t happen. Eventually one of her staffers did come up with the cash and Camilla was able to continue her ‘Christmas’ shopping in the African country.

It goes without saying that there sure were a lot of royal fans and critics alike that had a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some even commented with, “I’m no Camilla fan, but good for her in this instance. The fact that they ran out of cash, while definitely not a good look for her/her staff, makes me think that her browsing and taking a fancy to certain products was genuine and not just planned for PR purposes,” along with, “I don’t know that I would have extended her credit. Her stepdaughter in law’s family are the biggest deadbeats in Britain. The news probably hasn’t made it as far as Kenya.”

Royal Family News: King Charles And Queen Camilla Are On A State Visit To Kenya

Another royal critic wrote, “I don’t know, the staff should have anticipated that Camilla would have wanted to buy some items and had enough cash on them. Allegedly a team does a pre-tour visit to all the proposed sites so they would have known the prices of items and could have made a calculation of how much they would have needed for shopping. Did they assume that the vendors would have given Camilla the items for free? Embarrassing.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.


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5 months ago

Has Camilla never heard of a Visa card!!!!

5 months ago

I think they thought they could use credit cards.

5 months ago

I have to say king ChRles could hVe done better when looking for a new partner! She is NOTHINING like Prin ess Diana! SY I’m wrong but I feel if he treated Dianhah better she would still be h ere and we wouldn’t have a woman that looks 3xs older thN him! .I hate bushel is Queen noe!;?believe Mr she will bee an evil Queen! And back to the Kenya incident she should have given it back with grace and not expe teether bodyguards to bail her out! She dob b e it once ND she’ll di it again!

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