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General Hospital Spoilers UPDATE Wednesday, October 18: Interrogations Interrupted, Hospitalized Hoodlums, Precious Promises

General Hospital Spoilers UPDATE Wednesday, October 18: Interrogations Interrupted, Hospitalized Hoodlums, Precious Promises

General Hospital spoilers and updates for Wednesday, October 18 tease interrogations interrupted, hospitalized hoodlums and precious promises.

At GH, Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) interrupts an interrogation, Mason Gatlin’s (Nathanyael Grey) a hospitalized hoodlum and elsewhere, Nina Reeves Corinthos (Cynthia Watros) is given precious promises.

General Hospital Spoilers Highlights

There’s a showdown at the Quartermaine kitchen as Lois Cerullo (Rena Sofer) confronts Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot). Nails are drawn and Bensonhurst mouth at the ready as Tracy tried to convince Lois she couldn’t be more wrong!

General Hospital Spoilers: Showdown At The Quartermaine Kitchen

She’d come in bragging that she was the one who brought Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) and Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) together and Lois begged to differ.

Lois already knows that Tracy blackmailed Brook Lynn into stealing corporate product secrets from Deception Cosmetics and that’s why she was fired! That’s one of the main reasons Lois is there now, to have a showdown with Tracy over what she did.

GH Spoilers: Working On Their Issues

At the Robinson-Ashford house, Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) and Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) try to work out their marital issues, but it’s a rough row to hoe.

Many bridges were burned on the way to Curtis moving back into the house after he took a bullet in the Metro Court shooting.

Portia has determined to stick with Curtis in spite of his being in a wheelchair possibly the rest of his life, and maybe that’s the problem. Curtis tells Portia he doesn’t know if she can help him get past this.

General Hospital Spoilers: Interrogations Interrupted

Meanwhile, back at the hospital Jordan interrupts Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) as he’s come to interrogate Mason.

Jordan hasn’t even officially been returned to her duties as Port Charles Police Commissioner, still the Deputy Mayor. She makes demands, telling Dante not to go into the room and to stay away from that patient!

Dante looks confused as to why he’d be ordered not to further investigate a man he arrested with good reason. He’d kidnapped Ava Jerome (Maura West) and tried to kill her, and shot Mason as he was in the process of trying to send Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) over a cliff!

GH Spoilers: Hospitalized Hoodlums

In the meantime, Mason appears to be unconscious and on life support after taking two bullets in the back-one, possibly from Dex but he may have grazed Dex first.

His cousin, Dr. Austin Gatlin-Holt (Roger Howarth) is bending over him and telling him he’s in the hospital, and he needs him to wake up.

Dante was the one who checked for a pulse at the scene and called the ambulance to come get him. It took two bullets to fell Mason and Dante saved two lives-Ava’s and Dex’s.

General Hospital Spoilers UPDATE Wednesday, October 18: Interrogations Interrupted, Hospitalized Hoodlums, Precious Promises

General Hospital Spoilers: Over The Edge-Almost!

Elsewhere, Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) is talking to Dex and wants to know how close he came to going over himself-and she’ll probably want to know about that “graze”.

Mason’s bullet appeared to go into his thigh and it felled him, but he seems to be okay now. Knowing Dex, he probably refused medical treatment and band-aided any problem.

Dex came very close to Mason pushing him off that cliff, which looks similar to the one that Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) went off a few years ago. If Dante hadn’t arrived when he did, there may have been a much different outcome.

GH Spoilers: Carly Spencer Calls With An Update

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) is on the phone calling someone with updates. More than likely she’s calling Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) since Avery Corinthos-Jerome’s (Ava and Grace Scarola) mom is accounted for and safe.

Sonny had tried to reach Ava before he and Nina eloped, about Avery going to his island. Carly says Ava’s kidnapping isn’t the worst of it, probably updating about Drew Cain’s (Cameron Mathison) pending transfer back to Pentonville and Cyrus Renault’s (Jeff Kober) release.

General Hospital Spoilers: Precious Promises

Meanwhile, Sonny and Nina are enjoying their honeymoon as Sonny gives her precious promises, assuring her of one particular one he can keep.

They are in bed when Sonny will receive the call and he won’t like what he hears. If they aren’t back in Port Charles in their own bed now, he’ll soon have to return and Nina will take concern too.

Nina had also found it odd she couldn’t contact Ava when she had tried, before they left for Puerto Rico. When he finds out Mason’s in the hospital he might just make sure he never wakes up!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.


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