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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Arguing Over Pregnancy Plans?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle might be arguing over their pregnancy plans. At least, that’s what all the royal speculation seems to be about. Apparently, the Duchess of Sussex thinks the time is now or never for her to get pregnant while Prince Harry doesn’t believe that they should add to their family right now, especially with everything going on in their lives. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Arguing Over Pregnancy Plans?

Is Meghan Markle looking to get pregnant? That’s what the speculation seems to be. With two adorable kids like Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet at home, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that the Duchess of Sussex would like to have another child. Plus, she’s already in her early 40s which means that if she doesn’t get pregnant now, there’s a good chance that it will never happen. That’s why she supposedly keeps pushing Harry about her baby plans.

While Prince Harry certainly loves his kids and the family life he has built with Meghan Markle, he doesn’t think that adding a third child will make them happier. Plus, he still has unresolved issues with his family back at home, including his father, King Charles and his brother, Prince William. William and his wife Kate Middleton haven’t even met Prince Harry’s daughter, Lilibet. For Harry, this is absolutely devastating. The people that he was once so close with are now the most distant strangers in his life.

Royal Family News: What’s Next For The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex?

For Prince Harry, he’s just not in the right headspace right now to be adding a third child to his family. But Meghan Markle thinks that time is of the essence. If she doesn’t do it now, then she will never do it. Plus, a pregnancy would sure help boost their public image as everyone is going to be very curious about Meghan’s pregnancy, the baby, and of course, how the royal family will react to it. 

So far Harry and Meghan have not made any comments about the matter. Watch this space.

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