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Is Meghan Markle Setting Up Doria Ragland For Failure?

This past weekend, Doria Ragland was spotted rubbing elbows with some of the entertainment’s elite at the TIAH 5th Anniversary Soiree in Los Angeles. In fact, many people were quite surprised to see Meghan Markle’s mother taking photographs with the likes of Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, and even Vanessa Bryant. And while the Duke and Duchess of Sussex keep talking about wanting privacy and how much they hate being criticized by the media, a lot of people can’t help but wonder if Meghan might be setting her mother up for failure. Here’s why.

Royal Family News: Is Meghan Markle Setting Up Doria Ragland For Failure?

Now that Doria Ragland is in the celebrity spotlight, she is certainly going to get a lot of attention, and not all of it is going to be the positive kind. Many people know it’s not easy being a public figure, and especially if you are also connected to high-profiled royals like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. And that’s exactly the road that Doria is headed on seeing how she’s slowly but surely becoming a fixture in the celebrity world.

You’d think that someone like Meghan Markle – who was bullied endlessly by the British media – would take steps in ensuring that her family members would never get the same treatment that she got not too long ago. But it seems like it’s already happening. Some headlines that have popped up os far include, “Meghan’s Hypocrisy Exposed: Doria Cashes In,” along with, “What Is This? Keeping Up With The Grifters?”

Doria Ragland Is Becoming A New Hollywood Celebrity

Now, it’s a little too early to say why Meghan would allow her mother to be photographed with the Kardashians, as this seems to have brought on more criticism than anything else, but it might also be the start of something new. There’s a very good chance that Mehgan might also be using her mother to help generate more headlines and attention for the Sussexs as well. After all, everything that Meghan does is very well calculated and this is certainly no exception. Doria’s mental health and well-being might be far more important than a few internet clicks. Watch this space.

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