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Prince William Plans To Snub Prince Harry During His Upcoming Trip To America

At this point it’s safe to say that these two will never see eye-to-eye, let alone be in the same room again. There’s a new report that suggests Prince William plans to once again snub his brother Prince Harry during his upcoming trip to America. In other words, he has no plans to visit with the Duke of Sussex, let alone text him on What’s App about his plans. Here’s what you need to know.

Prince William Plans To Snub Prince Harry During His Upcoming Trip To America

The Prince of Wales plans to spend two days in New York City this September and right before the Invictus Games. According to People magazine, William will host a summit that will include the fifteen 2023 Earthshot Prize finalists during New York Climate Week. Prince William, who will be without his wife Kate Middleton, plans on spending two days in the Big Apple and will undertake a number of royal engagements while he is there.

This snub definitely doesn’t surprise any of the royal critics and watchers who have been paying attention to William’s ongoing feud with his brother. Some people think that he’s only coming to the United States because he’s longing for attention from Americans. Either way, many royal critics have had a lot to say about the matter. Some comments include, “He’ll come to New York for his little visit and absolutely nobody will care, as usual, because the press will be too busy discussing Invictus, and whatever Meghan wore to Invictus, or if Meghan was even at Invictus, or whether or not the kids went,” along with, “Hopefully this means that the royal rota will not be at the Invictus Games but will follow William instead. My thinking is the Wellchild Awards will be either just before or just after the Invictus Games. If it’s after, William is going to be overshadowed by Harry being in London.”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Prince Harry?

Another critic added, “The guy is reaching so hard for relevance somewhere, anywhere. I wonder if he’ll ever get what he’s searching for. He is failing daily but the tabloid propagandists are working overtime to boost his image with their spins, even printing fake stories about the Sussexes to help boost him up. No working out so far.”

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