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General Hospital Spoilers UPDATE Tuesday, July 11: Dangerous Diagnosis, Doubtful Outcomes, Lingering Questions

General Hospital Spoilers UPDATE Tuesday, July 11: Dangerous Diagnosis, Doubtful Outcomes, Lingering Questions

General Hospital spoilers and updates for Tuesday, July 11 tease a dangerous diagnosis, doubtful outcomes and lingering questions. Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) could be paralyzed, Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) feels the odds are stacked against Curtis, and Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) has lingering questions.

General Hospital Spoilers: Dangerous Diagnosis

At GH, Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) is barely holding it together herself after the attending doctor said the bullet is lodged near Curtis’ spine. Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) is in tears as she asks her mother if that means that Curtis could be paralyzed. A bullet where Curtis’ wound is next to the spine could mean total paralysis so it’s a scary situation and a very dangerous diagnosis.

Curtis never regained consciousness after he was hit and lost a lot of blood besides. Even though the doctor ordered lots of blood for transfusion it still could be touch and go on the operating table-as to paralysis, it depends if the bullet damaged the spine.

GH Spoilers: Family Meeting

Elsewhere, it’s unclear if Stella Henry (Vernee Watson) and Marshall Ashford (Robert Gossett) know about Curtis and that he’s fighting for his life. It seems if they did, they’d be at the hospital instead of having tea or coffee. They’re obviously talking about family things as Marshall opens up to Stella, and she says there’s only one thing that would make it even better. They might be talking about Curtis and Portia resolving their differences and making a full reconciliation. They should hear soon about what happened and then their meeting will turn into a prayer meeting, more than likely.

General Hospital Spoilers: Hamilton Finn And Elizabeth Baldwin Talk

Meanwhile, Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) and Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) talk after leaving the pool, where they assisted Curtis until the ambulance came. They also answered some questions for police, no doubt it’s been a stressful day. They’re probably glad Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison) left the Metro Court with Violet Finn (Jophielle Love) before the shooting started.

But a question remained as to their relationship, whether they should just remain friends and family or start dating again. It seems it may be going in that direction, especially if Violet has her way; Finn asks Liz if she’s ready to take the plunge again.

General Hospital Spoilers UPDATE Tuesday, July 11: Dangerous Diagnosis, Doubtful Outcomes, Lingering Questions

GH Spoilers: Nina Reeves Is Horrified

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) finally arrives at the scene, having been notified as a co-owner of the Metro Court. She’s horrified at what has happened, but she tells Sonny Corinthos, (Maurice Benard) who’s still with Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) he doesn’t need to protect her. Nina just wants him to tell her-he’ll tell her somebody got hurt but she might have to drag it out of him. Nina and Curtis are close friends and of course Sonny is her fiancé. She’ll be upset over Curtis and even more upset that Sonny was likely one of the sniper’s targets, as well as Anna.

General Hospital Spoilers: Doubtful Outcomes

Still at the hospital, Dex is on the phone and talking to someone about Curtis’ doubtful outcome. He tells the person on the other end it feels like the odds are stacked against Curtis. He could be talking to Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) or perhaps Sonny, who’s still at the crime scene.

Curtis’ situation is very serious indeed, he never regained consciousness after the shot, and that’s never good. And if the bullet damaged his spine or they can’t remove it without damaging his spine he may be paralyzed.

GH Spoilers: Lingering Questions

Meanwhile, Anna has lingering questions about the “friction” Sonny mentioned earlier, and also about the warning Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) gave her to deliver to Sonny. Anna had asked him also about if there were any previous mob moves against him, and that’s when he used the word “friction”. She’d been asking him about Pikeman and Valentin’s warning not to trust anyone new claiming to be a contact. Now she asks Sonny if that’s what this shooting’s been about. If Nina is still there, he likely won’t want to answer that question even though she doesn’t want to be protected.

General Hospital Spoilers: Josslyn Jacks Is Suspicious

Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) is suspicious, after going to look for Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) because of Trina’s Curtis situation. She saw Spencer with Esmé Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) smiling and laughing after their parenting class. Undoubtedly, she thinks Esmé is making moves on Spencer as she blocks her from leaving the room-she gets in her face.

Josslyn has never believed Esmé’s amnesia and personality change was ever anything but bogus anyway. She asks a frightened Esmé where does she think she’s going?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.


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