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General Hospital Spoilers: Jordan Won’t Fight for Curtis — and Here’s Why She Shouldn’t

General Hospital Spoilers: Jordan Won’t Fight for Curtis — and Here’s Why She Shouldn’t

General Hospital spoilers reveal Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) has plenty of reasons to move on from the lingering pain and affection for Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) she’s been clinging to for the last two years. She was right; that’s far too long to have put her life on hold. Curtis may not have verbalized it, but he made his choice when he went home to Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr). He had a sound and rational explanation, but it left Jordan feeling like she was runner-up, and she wants to be the star of her own show.

Enter, Zeke Robinson (Gavin Houston). He might’ve ended up being Portia’s brother, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t ignite a fire in Jordan that had long been sniffed out. She’ll remain grateful for that as she tries to fight her interest in him and prays he never puts two and two together about who she is. In the meantime, Curtis is going to notice Jordan’s new attitude, and he won’t like it.

General Hospital Spoilers — There Really Are Plenty of Fish in the Sea

All it took was one night with one man for Jordan to remember she’s still got something to offer someone. Anyone. It just can’t be Curtis. He’s taken and she has to accept that. Their time has passed, and if she can have a connection like the one she shared with Zeke without any history or drama tying them together, she can rest assured there is something better out there waiting for her — even if it is just a bunch of no strings attached fun.

General Hospital Spoilers: Jordan Won’t Fight for Curtis — and Here’s Why She Shouldn’t

GH Spoilers Claim Curtis Doesn’t Know What — or Who — He Wants

Curtis clearly can’t make up his mind what he wants. He finally realized the mistake he made in walking away from Jordan too quickly without really giving their marriage an honest chance. Now, he would love to rectify that mistake, but he would also be faced with making the same one all over again. Torn between two life lessons, he’s unsure which path to take at this fork in the road. Jordan gets it. The ever so understanding ex-wife deferred to him again and stepped aside to let him sort out his confusion — but she won’t be waiting for him while he does it. That’s a wise move given how far he’s strung things along already.

General Hospital Spoilers — Portia Brings Problems

If attempting to get her ex-husband in the sack wasn’t damaging enough, Jordan has a whole new war headed her way when Portia learns that Jordan landed there with her brother. Sure, she couldn’t have known at the time that Zeke was related to Portia, but the new Mrs. Ashford might have a thing or two to say about Jordan’s bedroom behavior and aptitude for sleeping with a stranger. Things will only grow more complicated if Jordan continues to pursue Curtis now that Zeke knows she was. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to see how this pans out.


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