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Carole Middleton Sells Her Debt-Ridden Party Pieces Business

It looks like the party is over for her. There’s a new report that says Kate Middleton’s mother, Carole Middleton, has successfully sold her debt-ridden business, Party Pieces. It’s been reported that an Essex billionaire and businessman by the name of James Sinclair has bought the company for over $30 million dollars. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Carole Middleton Sells Her Debt-Ridden Party Pieces Business

Apparently, Carole Middleton had difficulty keeping the company afloat because of all the competition she was getting from her online competition like Amazon. It’s being reported that all 12 employees of Party Pieces will now be working under James Sinclair. He even said in a statement, “I’m very excited by this new venture and we will be operating our own firm called Crafty Pieces within the Party Pieces brand. It’s going to focus mainly on products for children and be a spinoff of the Party Pieces brand which was set up by Carol and her husband and was a fantastic operation for more than 30 years.”

The businessman added: “We have been talking for the last three months and we both said we wanted to really preserve the brand and that’s what we are going to do. We have a few things to sort out and get things onto a stable footing but in the long-term things look great.”

Carole has certainly made a lot of controversial headlines in the past. A lot of people criticized her back in 2016 for her Zombie Princess Halloween outfit, as they thought the costume was done in poor taste. The Zombie Princess Halloween outfit depicts a bruised and bloodied sleeping zombie dressed in a princess costume. It features an exposed rib cage and organs and can be purchased for girls as young as four. Simone Simmons, who used to be a good friend of Princess Diana’s, told The Daily Star in an interview, “This is sicker than sick. This is really scraping the barrel. It’s twisted and warped.”

What’s Next For Carole Middleton And Her Future?

Carole also used her column in the Little London magazine to shamelessly promote the business with her tips on how to throw and outdoor children’s party. Party Pieces even has a royal-themed paraphernalia line that includes wigs for queens and princess along with inflatable crowns.

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