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Where Was Doria Ragland During Meghan Markle’s Childhood?

A lot of royal fans and critics alike can’t help but notice that Meghan Markle’s mother, Doria Ragland, was not in her life during a very good portion of her childhood. While there are plenty of photos of Doria with Meghan when she was a baby, it almost seems like the social worker disappeared for at least ten years of her daughter’s life. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Why Was Doria Ragland Absent During Meghan Markle’s Childhood?

Both Thomas Markle and Meghan Markle insist that Meghan was very much a part of their family and especially during her junior and high school years as well as while she was in college. In fact, Samantha has said over and over again that if it weren’t for their father, Meghan Markle wouldn’t be where she is today. Several reports have indicated that it was Thomas, who once worked as a lighting director on General Hospital, was the one who paid for Meghan’s catholic school tuition. He also helped support her during her college years. What’s more, Meghan’s uncle was the one who happened to help her get her job when she worked at the US Embassy in Argentina. 

While there are plenty of photos of Meghan hanging out with her half siblings and of course, her father during her teen years, it seems like there are none that exist of her and her mother. Of course, that might also be because Doria has chosen not to share her photos with the media. Still, it does seem like Thomas had a prominent role in his daughter’s life while she was growing up.

Meghan Grew Up With The Markle Family

There’s been a lot of speculation as to why Doria Ragland was absent during Meghan Markle’s childhood. While nothing has been confirmed, there have been Reddit rumors suggesting that Doria had trouble with the law, had financial issues and at one point was even evicted from her home. There are other rumors saying that she worked as a flight attendant at the time, although there’s no proof of that either. Clearly, there’s more to the story and the only people who might know what the real truth is are Doria Ragland and Meghan Markle.

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