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Royal Family News: Is Prince Harry Really Scared Of His Wife Meghan Markle?

Well, color us surprised on this one. There’s a new report that suggests Prince Harry might actually be scared of his wife, Meghan Markle. In fact, some people close to the situation even say that this version of the Duke of Sussex that we are seeing is clearly not the same one that fans remember from so many years ago. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Is Prince Harry Really Scared Of His Wife Meghan Markle?

According to a new report, Harry’s former biographer Angela Levin said that the royal is completely unrecognizable. While she’s definitely criticized both Harry and Meghan a lot in the past, Levin says that she thinks Harry is being controlled by his wife simply because he’s afraid of what she might do or say next.

During an interview with GB News, Levin said, “It’s well known that Meghan is delightful unless you say something that she doesn’t want you to say and then she is really scary. I think he is frightened of her because of the way he looks at her. He doesn’t want to say something if she wants to speak.”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Harry and Meghan?

She also added, “If she wants to talk to someone before him then he steps back. I think she commands it all because this is not the Harry he was a few years ago. He said to himself ‘what Meghan wants, Meghan gets.’ It’s a tragedy because I think that he lets her say and do things that anyone else would say ‘no this is not how it works’ that ‘she is wrong.’”

Now, whether or not Levin is right, no one really knows but for the most part, Prince Harry has praised his wife and has said over and over again that she’s the best thing that has ever happened to him in his life. So far Harry and Meghan have not made any comments about the matter, but time will only tell if Harry is truly scared of his wife or if the media is just frightened of what might come next, right? Watch this space.

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