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Royal Family News: Royal Couriers Want Prince Harry And Meghan Markle To Attend The Coronation To Save Face

There’s nothing to see here, folks. British Royal Family News says that it looks like there might be some people behind closed doors over at Buckingham Palace that want to make the last several weeks disappear. In other words, they would like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to come back to London in May to attend King Charles’ Coronation. That way, it will look like all the back-and-forth bitterness between Harry and the rest of the royals will seem like much to do about nothing, as the royals would rather save face for what will most likely be one of the most important days of King Charles’ life. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Royal Couriers Want Prince Harry And Meghan Markle To Attend The Coronation To Save Face

It goes without saying that King Charles will want his Coronation Day to come out perfect. That means he doesn’t want to see any drama of any kind happen on his big day. In order to show Charles all of the support that he will need, some couriers believe that it would be a good idea for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to fly to London for the big day, despite the circumstances surrounding their relationship with the royal family right now. While Prince Harry has said that he does want his family back, he first wants them to apologize and show a little accountability for everything that has happened so far. 

Now, whether or not King Charles, Prince William and the other royals give Harry that apology he so desperately wants, remains to be seen, but for now royal couriers will possibly do everything they can to bring the Duke and Duchess of Sussex back to the UK so that at least it will look like all their royal drama will be buried in the past. That, and they also don’t want any more negative royal headlines in the British press.

Royal Family News: What’s Next For The Royal Family?

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter but at this point it’s unlikely that they will. Watch this space, though.

Tell us British Royal Family fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. We’ll make sure to update you with all of the latest information about King Charles, Prince William, Kate Middleton and the rest of the firm right here.




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