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General Hospital Star Nancy Lee Grahn Has A Huge Complaint About This Photo

General Hospital spoilers say that when it comes to Nancy Lee Grahn, even her fans know that she likes to comment about everything and anything, which shouldn’t really come as a surprise at this point. The actress, who is best known for her role as Alexis Davis on the hit ABC soap, recently had something to say about a General Hospital promotional photo that featured her in it. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital Star Nancy Lee Grahn Has A Huge Complaint About This Photo

Nancy is someone who often likes to comment about world events, politics, or anything that might be a hot topic on Twitter on any certain day. While a lot of people often agree with what she says, others certainly do not. But when General Hospital shared a teaser for an upcoming episode that featured Alexis, Nancy commented on the Twitter post with, “Can I object to this photo? Does the person who thought this was a good snapshot hate me? Surely there was a better angle somewhere. One can only hope.”

Yikes! She also added, “Surely in the entire show Gregory & I did, there was a less awful capture of me. I don’t ask much, but as a woman trying to grow old gracefully while fighting 4 Democracy at the same time, there must have been 1 millisecond of a better lit, less jowly angle of me. Have Mercy.”

General Hospital Star Nancy Lee Grahn Is Only Being Nancy Lee Grahn

After her fans assured her that she looked absolutely fine (in which she did), Nancy followed up with, “It’s sometimes hard to know when Im being serious or sarcastically  obtuse. I was being silly. I embrace all of us, any shape, any size, jowls and all. I wear all of me with pride and gratitude. Just trying to lighten the overall sadness of the day.”

Well, if there’s anything that we’ve learned, that regardless if you love Nancy or you don’t, there’s no denying that you just can’t ignore her, right? 

With that said, General Hospital fans will have to tune in to find out what happens next! Let us know what you think in your comments section below. Also, don’t forget that General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.



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2 years ago

I think if she didn’t mention the picture nobody would have thought anything of it..

2 years ago

This is just my opinion. Having said that I do not like the character Alexis since everyone she is attracted to has been killed off and she no longer has a law license it doesn’t make sense for her to even appear on General Hospital to just show up once in a while. Give her a story line or remove the character!
As for as her comments regarding republicans getting off and staying off her social media and her stance on her fellow actors, I believe maybe she should ease up and not voice her opinion so much that it hurts her potential fans and also eliminate their support for her. I am one of them.

2 years ago

It shows Nancy Grahms arrogance. She needs to stay in her own lane and stay out of political issues.
Have lost respect for this woman because of her nastiness on-line and her disgusting comments about other GH cast members. Very low and tasteless on her part.

2 years ago

Nancy has a great mind and continues to use it and I admire her very much!

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