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General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Is Stirring Some Trouble On Twitter Again

General Hospital spoilers say that Nancy Lee Grahn is stirring some trouble on Twitter again. But for anyone who has been paying attention to her on social media, that shouldn’t come as a surprise, right? Keep reading below for everything you need to know!

General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Is Stirring Some Trouble On Twitter Again

When Nancy Lee Grahn took to her Twitter account to simply write, “I never knew how stupid people were before I joined twitter,” the Twitterverse certainly went off! But then again, there were a lot of people who certainly had a lot of things to say about her comments, too. Some of them included, “I hear that. Facebook reminded me why I moved away from my hometown so quickly. It was nice to find people I grew up with, not so nice when I saw who they are, but equally nice when I unfriended them,” along with, “Me either and it’s disheartening. I also never realized how much people love to be nasty to others and to choose to misunderstand and spew false situations.”

Another critic also wrote, “AMEN!!!  I now only just spot check social media in case I need to know something. Not arguing with people who just don’t have a fucking clue what they are talking about!!  Or the oh so many without hearts! Too depressing and I have a happy life to live!!”

General Hospital News: Nancy Loves To Share Her Opinion With Her Fans

As many fans already know, Nancy Lee Grahn is clearly a very controversial person off screen as much as she is on screen. In fact, she is one person who is never worried about sharing her opinion, whether it’s about politics or personal matters or even those co-stars who have refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Nancy made waves last year when she supposedly announced Ingo Rademacher’s departure from the show before producers even got a chance to do it themselves. Ingo was let go for refusing to comply with the ABC network’s vaccine mandate.

Meanwhile, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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Sharon Newton
Sharon Newton
2 years ago

Wish Nancy would just disappear.

Susan Yager
Susan Yager
2 years ago

She’s mean and nasty to anyone who doesn’t agree with her. The powers that be at GH should be embarrassed that they employ someone who has nothing but vile things to say. While I understand that Ingo rademacher and Steve Burton had to be let go because they refused to get vaccinated she went so far to celebrate their dismissal. She celebrated the removal of their livelihood. What kind of person does that?

Peggy Wells
Peggy Wells
2 years ago

I fast forward thru all her scenes. I can’t stand to look at her face after reading many of her nasty vile posts toward anyone that has a different view on something than her. She belittles and bullies people and it has turned off a lot of people to her character on GH. I wish they would get rid of her.

2 years ago

I personally think they should get rid of her. She puts so much hateful messages on Twitter and nothing is done to her. Hopefully Elon Musk buys more shares maybe he can be the one to show her he’s not afraid of her. I can post the screen shots I have of her using the F word 4 times in one post but that’s not violating any of the rules on Twitter. Calling a congresswoman a dick in a dress doesn’t either.

2 years ago

I like Nancy Lee Grahn as an actress, I did like reading her comments as I did agree with about a 1/3 of her opinions, however when I responded to someone complaining about what she said, she must have thought my response was aimed at her. I just told the other person that, they were complaining about the complainer and if they didn’t like her opinion, too stop reading the post’s. That’s when I got BLOCKED. I was always taught that an opinion is something we all have and as a kid you aren’t really allowed an opinion very often. However as an adult we do have opinions and we are allowed to express them, but the key is too remain an adult when responding too another person and to not act like a petulant child when someone express their opinion.

Linda Frick
Linda Frick
2 years ago

I fervently hope that the GH producers replace Nancy Lee Grahn! It’s impossible for me to watch her scenes after reading all the hate for Republicans, conservatives, and everyone who doesn’t share her beliefs that she posts on Twitter.

I would bet money that it was Nancy who made a huge fuss about Ingo Rademacher and Steve Burton not being vaccinated against covid. They were too very much loved characters, and I think Steve was on GH before Nancy arrived. The show is not the same without these two men. Several actors on GH have gotten covid despite being vaccinated against covid, so clearly, it shouldn’t have been an issue for firing Ingo and Steve.

When I made a comment on the GH Facebook page that I didn’t watch Nancy’s scenes, and do not like her, one of the show’s actors gave me a “Like”.

2 years ago

Nancy Lee Grahn is an embarrassment to GH and should be fired. Her rudeness on social media represents who she really is as a person. At her age she should know better.

2 years ago

Her Ingo Rademacher nastiness turned me off her forever. That was not her place to announce him gone and to ostracize him for a comment he made. She hates Republicans and brags about going to meetings with antifa, she is very polarizing and I don’t know why GH allows it.

2 years ago

Can not stand her! Please get rid of her!!!

2 years ago

GH needs to let her go!!! For someone who is in the eyes of the public on a daily basis and has people who look up to her (although I don’t know why) needs to learn how to keep her mouth shut.

Cheri Kugler
Cheri Kugler
2 years ago

Congrats Maura West on 27 years in daytime!!! Love u as Ava on GH, loved u as Carly on ATWT!!!

2 years ago

I stopped watching GH after nearly 58 years because of that nasty mouthed mean spirited lunatic! 58 YEARS!!!!! I’ll never watch again until that lunatic delusional NLG is canned!!!

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