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General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Makes Controversial Statements About Haley Pullos And Donald Trump

Another day, another tweet from this soap star. A lot of people can’t help but raise their eyebrows over a few controversial things that General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn has to say on social media. The actress, who is best known for her role as Alexis Davis on the hit ABC soap, admitted that she visited her former co-star Haley Pullos in jail. But she also somehow connected her statement to Donald Trump, voting, and lack of freedom and rights. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Makes Controversial Statements About Haley Pullos And Donald Trump

As many fans know, Haley is currently serving her time behind bars for her DUI that happened back in April 2023. Nancy, who often does have controversial things to say on social media about one thing or another, wrote, “After visiting Haley in LA County Jail, I was acutely made aware of what it’s like to have literally NO freedom. Whether it’s brought on by a DUI or the fact that if you don’t vote & trump wins… it’ll feel the same. And that feeling until it happens to you… is unimaginable.”

Of course, many of her critics responded to Nancy’s comments with, “Excuse me DUI is serious you drink & drive you deserve to lose your license & serve serious jail time — this is not about Trump — Haley committed a crime – she DUI – she got off easy if you ask me – many others keep getting chances – others not – it sickens me – pay the price,” along with, “Leave Trump out of it and let Haley take responsibility for her own actions. I wish you stood up for Steve Burton and Ingo Rademacher on the vax issue like you are for a convicted felon!”

General Hospital News: Did Nancy Go Too Far?

Another critic wrote, “Does not matter who wins. Drugs and drinking is wrong. Why say something like that. Explain?”

So far Nancy has not responded to any of her critics.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

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3 months ago

DUI…They should lose the privilege of driving all together……Has nothing to do with trump…what is wrong with these celebrities…Haley committed a crime…Be a big girl and take your punishment like an Adult…

3 months ago

Nancy needs to keep her mouth shut about other people and about the election

3 months ago
Reply to  Katherine

Freedom ALLOWS Nancy and you, Katherine, and me, to speak FREELY about anything – or NOTHING – at all.

3 months ago

Yes….because we lost SOOOO many freedoms when Trump was in office before
<insert eye roll>

Virginia Mann
Virginia Mann
3 months ago

Correct drinking and drinking is illegal 🤬

Diane O
Diane O
3 months ago

Nancy can’t help herself she thinks she is right about everything and we all know she isn’t. She is wrong on both accounts. Haley is old enough to have known better. She did get off tooooooo easy they should have thrown the book at her. I’m against any kind of drinking and driving.Just hope she gets the help she needs soon

3 months ago
Reply to  Diane O

I’m not a Nancy fan, but where did she say Haley didn’t commit a crime, or didn’t deserve to be punished? You can still love and support someone, and be extremely disappointed in them and hate what they’ve done. Part of “getting the help she needs” includes having friends and loved ones who don’t turn their backs on her.

3 months ago

Nancy is absolutely out of line!
She should stick to acting, please.

3 months ago
Reply to  Faith

Why? She has a right to her opinion!

3 months ago

Does she really think that because she is a Soap actress her opinion matters to us? She needs to get over herself!

3 months ago

Hey Nan, whatever happened to “You do you, and I’ll do me”? Oh yeah, that’s only allowed if I agree with you, uh? 🙄

3 months ago

Nancy is a fantastic actress who makes Alexis a complex character. I sometimes just have to really concentrate on her scenes to keep the actress and the character separate. I’m glad she’s supporting Haley, because addicts can’t get “well” by themselves. Loving someone and being a friend even though they’ve made choices that have hurt a lot of people, is the only way they’ll ever be able to sober up and have a life. I know, the addict has to WANT to change and has to do the work themselves, but knowing there are still people who love you and want you to succeed, can make all the difference. If everyone turns their back on you, and you have no job, and nothing good waiting for you, it’s easy to see why many stop trying. And I’m NOT saying Haley shouldn’t have consequences or her crimes should be overlooked. Of course she has to pay, but hopefully she’ll still have friends and love ones for support when she gets out. Nancy didn’t say that Haley shouldn’t be in jail, or that she didn’t deserve the loss of freedom. She was only saying that seeing it for herself, made her realize what losing all freedoms might feel like. I rarely agree with NLG on anything, but on this situation, I do.
HOWEVER, WHY does she have to bring Trump, and her extreme hatred and loathing of him, into every situation? I’m not exactly a Trump fan (in fact, voting for ANYONE in Nov. is
gonna take some real soul searching – don’t like either one of them) but her hatred of him is SO over the top, it makes it hard to keep liking Alexis.

3 months ago

So it is O.K. for Nasty Nancy to say what ever she wants no matter what, but Ingo has no right? I am sure she thinks we should all live in 15 min cities while she lives in wide open spaces!

3 months ago

I really never was a big fan of “Alexis” because Nancy’s arrogance comes through in her acting. What does she think she will accomplish by shooting off her mouth about things she doesn’t like. I am still upset over the Steve Burton and Ingo Rademacher incident. She really needs to learn to mind her own business. Maybe she just loves thinking she is right about everything. I know some people like that and I do not interact with them. Most times I just FF through some of her scenes. She is very annoying.

3 months ago

ANancy should keep the comments to herself.
Haley was 109% wrong and needs to pay for her actions.
Nancy should stick to acting and leave Trump
Out of this. Your hatred for this man is didgusting
3 months ago

I feel Haley was not only drunk in this accident she hurt a human being badly. So no Matter what she is wrong about Haley. I do hope she gets help everyone deserves a second chance.
NLG has hurt other peoples career with her mean comments.?When you’re working in the theatre you need to keep your comments yo yourself.

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