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King Charles Has One Request From Meghan Markle Before His Death

You can’t blame him for wanting to make one last ditch effort. There’s heavy speculation on social media that suggests King Charles has one last request from his estranged daughter-in-law Meghan Markle before his death. And it’s a request that really shouldn’t surprise anyone. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: King Charles Has One Request From Meghan Markle Before His Death

King Charles has one request from Meghan Markle before his death. All he wants to do is spend some time with the two grandchildren that he doesn’t get to see enough of: Lilibet and Archie. But unfortunately for the King of England, Meghan is making things very difficult on him. She’s refusing to travel to the UK with her children because she’s worried about her family’s safety even though they would be in the best care while at Buckingham Palace. But the Duchess of Sussex doesn’t seem to see it this same way. She simply doesn’t want to ever step on British soil again no matter how hard King Charles might try to convince her otherwise.

For the King of England, this is certainly heartbreaking. He knows that he doesn’t have much time left on his hands because of his cancer battle but Meghan is making things even more difficult for him. And unfortunately, there isn’t much Prince Harry can do in this case, either.

Royal Family News: What’s Next For King Charles?

While she might not realize it now, there’s a good chance Meghan Markle might regret her decision once King Charles dies. Not only that, but Archie and Lilibet might also put the blame on their mother for not allowing them to spend time with their grandfather. After all, he is the King of England. If they are not going to see him now, there’s a good chance they’ll never get to see him ever again.

So far Meghan Markle herself has made no comments about the matter but we will update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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Laura pechler
Laura pechler
2 months ago

I’m saying she has heard issues but he is their grandfather he is He’s got cancer dying with your grandfather I mean it’s time to suck it up and you know go there and let them spend time with him I mean need to break it somewhere along the way I mean there’s constitution and all this stuff is it you know you’re not going to make things better by doing what you’re doing You’re just going to alienate even more on that side and piss with them off even more and cause Harry more problems you know I mean that is his dad his father in they these kids are their grand his grandchildren they need to be spend time with him so I’m sorry but Megan you need to get off your high horse at this point in time and get your butt in the kid and Harry to England to spend time with their grandfather and you know from there see what happens but you know you need to kind of you know it’s it’s not right at all so my opinion but Megan I think you need to get off your high horse at this point in I understand you’re worried about their safety but I’m sure that they will make arrangements for their safety be in good shape I don’t think they’re going to have you come over there and not have some kind of security for them and you and Harry I mean to make sure the kids are safe and you are so they can spend time with their grandfather and hopefully their cousins know they it’s something that needs to happen I’m thinking right now you’re the one holding up the things so

Kim Sasser
Kim Sasser
2 months ago

She should let them visit with their grandfather

2 months ago

They are only at the family home for the visit. They have their US security that can’t carry guns, and stay at a hotel before and after. If they still had the home they paid for, could pay for security with guns, then maybe she would consent to a visit. Harry and Meghan was treated quite badly and I can see her lack of trust.

1 month ago

I wish meghan would reconsider. Grandparents live for their grandchildren.. I know. I have a granddaughter I haven’t seen In 11 years. Their isn’t a day goes by I don’t think about her. Like King Charles, I too have been diagnosed with cancer. I know I will probably never see her again but Meghen can do something about it. So.etimes we have to swallow our pride. Let King Charles see them or you may regret it for the rest of your life.

d. Cammer
d. Cammer
1 month ago

Ben always looked out of place in constant discomfort looking over his shoulder for something he clearly regretted and it was a most unfortunate disgrace of disrespect.

1 month ago

Megan Markel is a low life piece of sh-t all she cares about is her self she’s a real fake does anyone else check on her heritage maybe they should

1 month ago
Reply to  Joan

Charles should make Harry and Megan pay back the money for there wedding I do believe this was planned well before they married

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