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General Hospital News: Kelly Monaco Feud With Laura Wright Explained

General Hospital

These two have never really been the best of friends, but they haven’t really been the worst of enemies, right? Or at least, that’s what some General Hospital fans think.

General Hospital News: Kelly Monaco Feud With Laura Wright Explained

Of course, we are talking about Kelly Monaco (ex-Sam McCall) and Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos). While there was a time where it did seem like the two actresses were pretty close both on and off screen, it also looked like they were keeping their distance from each other these last few years.

In fact, Laura had almost nothing to say at all when it was announced that Kelly was fired from the show last summer. This has prompted a lot of people to wonder what has really been going on between Laura and Kelly behind closed doors.

That said, it does seem like Kelly did keep her distance from a lot of people during her final days on the hit ABC soap. And it also seems like a lot of people were trying to keep their distance away from her and the fact that she was fired, as they didn’t want to stir any more controversy.

Still, you’d think that someone like Laura would have at least said something about Kelly during her final weeks on the show. After all, they did work together for many long years.

General Hospital News: What Really Happened Between Kelly And Laura?

But if there’s anything that we have also learned about Laura Wright over the years, it’s that she certainly likes to be the center of attention. That, and there’s only one queen that wears the crown in this fictional town of Port Charles. Enough said, right?

So far both Kelly and Laura have not made any comments about their supposed feud, nor have they confirmed or denied the rumors. But at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said. We will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and updates on your favorite celebrities along with the latest spoilers from The Bold and the Beautiful, The Young and the Restless, General Hospital and Days of Our Lives.


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1 month ago

It’s “impressive” how you manage to write an entire article without writing anything of substance. You throw out the idea that there may have been a rift of some sort between the two actresses, but never write anything to back it up. Then as with most all of your articles end with “neither have commented on this, and it’s unlikely they will at this point.” Because you made the whole thing up? Aren’t you embarrassed? More and more of your articles are like this…

1 month ago

Boy! That was a whole lot of words, that said ab-so-lut-ly nothing! These spoiler writers must get paid by the word, they certainly do not get paid by the original idea, because if they were they’d all starve.!

1 month ago

Why is it so important to you to stir things up where Kelly’s concerned? A few days ago, it was her and Steve Burton who hated each other, now you want to make a rift between her and Laura. It IS entirely possible that LW hasn’t said anything about Kelly’s firing, out of respect for her. Maybe she realizes it’s not her place, and if Kelly wants something known, she’ll say it herself. I havent seen Dominic (Dante), or Kirsten (Maxie), or Kate (Kristina), or whatever the girls name is who plays Molly, or MB (Sonny) or Bradford (Spinnelli) saying anything about Kelly or her firing either. Is she fueding with all of them, too? 🙄🙄 You’re really reaching, trying to create drama where there is none.
AND, I have never seen or heard that LW needs to be the center of attention. Seems to me like she’s living her best life, and doing her job. Quite well, I might add. CARLY may like to be the center of attention, but you seem to have forgotten, Carly is FICTIONAL, and Laura is a real person who is ACTING.🙄

1 month ago

You didn’t say anything about what their feud is about and why! Just a lead on.

Carlene Simpson
1 month ago

Love Laura as Carly as for Kelly Monaco I am glad she’s gone. Sam had become very judgmental and controlling. Glad she has not appeared on TYTR and BB.

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