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Michelle Obama Didn’t Run For President For This Reason

Let’s just say that she’s been there, done that, and most definitely never wants to go back.

Michelle Obama Didn’t Run For President For This Reason

Of course, we are talking about Michelle Obama as there is still a lot of speculation over the reasons why she decided not to run for the presidency this year even though she was strongly being encouraged to do so.

While there’s no doubt that Michelle Obama would have been a strong candidate for the Democratic party and an even stronger opponent against Donald Trump, she made it clear that she doesn’t want anything to do with the world of politics again.

And that might be because she wants to protect her family from the spotlight and even the mainstream media.

While her husband Barack Obama was still president of the United States, a day didn’t go by that his critics didn’t slam him or his wife Michelle for one reason or another. 

She was criticized for wearing a spaghetti strapped dress to visit the Queen of England and for simple things like going on Target shopping runs.

But now that her two daughters Malia and Sasha are much older, Michelle doesn’t want to subject them to the same media scrutiny that she received while she was still first lady of the United States. And if she were to become president, she knows that would be the case.

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Now that they are young women trying to carve out their own identities, the last thing that Michelle would want is for them to be scrutinized by the media for doing their own thing, especially if it didn’t line up with some of their critics and their supposed values.

Plus, Michelle doesn’t want to deal with all of the stress that comes with being the president, especially since her life has gotten so much easier now. 

So far Michelle Obama herself has not made any comments about the matter but we will definitely update you with all of the latest details once they come in.

In the meantime, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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