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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Headed To Ghana

It looks like their tour of Africa is certainly going to continue. There’s a new report that says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are headed to Ghana. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Headed To Ghana

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are headed to Africa once again. 

It’s been reported that the government of Ghana has invited them to the country after their very successful tour of Nigeria earlier this month.

At this rate, it seems like almost every country in Africa are going to invite the Sussexes in the hopes that they will give them the publicity that they want and need.

Of course, there are a lot of royal family fans and critics that sure have a lot to say about the matter on social media. 

And boy, do they have a lot to say. A lot of people believe that the Sussexes should take up the offer and head to Ghana.

Some have even commented with, “I’m sure Ghana wasn’t the only country that invited the Sussexes. I expect H&M will visit every nation that participates in Invictus Games, probably to shore up facilities/infrastructure for wounded Veterans, that’s a great thing.”

Another fan wrote, “They’re charismatic and interesting. Harry has grown into an incredible person. All they had to do was protect Harry and his wife from the lies in the press and he could be representing the king. They screwed up.”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Harry And Meghan?

And then there was this comment as well, “The Ghanaian govt sent a representative to meet them in Nigeria. That’s the impact that they have. Now waiting on the rags to start digging dirt on the Ghanaians.”

“Sour grapes. Yet to realize, it’s H&M who are engaging, not the silly titles.”

So far Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have made no comments about the matter, nor have they said anything about their future travel plans as well.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Let us know in the comments section below. Also, watch this space for more The Young and the Restless juicy drama to come. 

Also, come back right here for all the latest news and spoilers on your favorite daytime television shows including General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful.


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