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Melania Trump Breathing A Sigh Of Relief Over Michelle Obama

There’s heavy speculation that Melania Trump is breathing a huge sigh of relief now that Michelle Obama has set the record straight about her future plans. And no, it’s probably not what you are thinking. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Celeb News: Melania Trump Breathing A Sigh Of Relief Over Michelle Obama

It was reported on Tuesday that former First Lady Michelle Obama has decided not to run for the office of President of the United States. Even though she wasn’t really in the running, there was heavy speculation suggesting she was going to replace President Joe Biden as the new Democratic nominee. But Michelle has made it clear that she has no interest in being the first female POTUS, let alone go back to the world of politics. She’s been there, done that, and doesn’t want to go back.

For Melania Trump, this is certainly good news. Now that she’s going to be hitting the campaign trail more often, she doesn’t want the media to make any comparisons to her with Michelle Obama. And if Michelle were to run for president, there’s no doubt that would happen. After all, everyone still remembers how Melania supposedly plagiarized Michelle’s speech during the 2016 Republican Convention. That’s a moment Melania certainly doesn’t want to see repeated again, even though it was completely out of her control.

Celeb News: What’s Next For Melania Trump?

So with Michelle Obama no longer in consideration, there’s a chance that Kamala Harris might replace her 2020 running mate for the top job in the nation. And if that happens, Melania will certainly have a reason to be worried, but probably not as worried if Michelle Obama were still running. Either way, Melania knows that she has to step it up when it comes to her media game as her husband is going to need her to give it all that she’s got if they expect to move back into the White House.

So far Melania Trump herself has made no comments about the matter. Watch this space.

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