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Michelle Obama Planning To Run For President With Surprise Campaign?

Is Michelle Obama looking to be the next president of the United States? That’s what a lot of fans can’t help but wonder, especially since there are some reports suggesting the Democratic party might be looking to replace Joe Biden as their candidate because of his cognitive decline. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Michelle Obama Planning To Run For President With Surprise Campaign?

According to Page Six, Michelle Obama supposedly told a group of people back in 2022 that she already had plans to run for president. The site goes on to say that a secret survey to a small number of DNC donors were even asked how they would feel about Michelle Obama having her own candidacy.

Seeing how it looks like Joe Biden is being pushed out the door because of his declining health, critics believe that it will only be a matter of time before Michelle announces her campaign to run. But how does the public feel about it? Some critics have taken to social media to weigh in on the matter with, “This can’t happen. As we travel down the road to being a third world country. Unstable legal system, unstable political, high debt, poor education system and now a corrupt voting system. It was fun being a superpower,” along with, “If this country is to have any fighting chance at survival, all these professional politicians need to go. We cannot survive another Mr. Obama as pres. Sad part, I admittedly voted for the other Mr. Obama first time he ran.”

What’s Next For Former First Lady Michelle Obama?

Another critic wrote, “In what possible version of reality can Michelle Obama run and hope to win? It isn’t a question of intelligence, it’s a question of skill sets. She has never served in government, she has not, to my knowledge, even run a business. Being a lawyer is simply not enough. She’ll get the black vote, some of the women, a few of the democrats, but all the Republicans will come out of the woodwork to stop her at the polls.”

So far Michelle Obama herself has not made any additional comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.


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Candis Dow
Candis Dow
1 year ago

Everyone who is a real human being would vote for her. She had four years of learning how things work at the White House. We the people can only pray that she would give us such a gift. She would give up so much of herself for us. I certainly would would do ALL I could to support her.

Susan Baker
Susan Baker
1 year ago

She’s got my vote!!

Robin Mirro
1 year ago

Are we crazy. Are we talking about the woman who complained about having to act everyday her husband was in office? She said she wanted no part of anything political! Her husband started all this bull shit and I believe he’s partly to blame for creepy Joe! I do not trust the Obama’s. I wouldn’t trust them to clean the dog poop in my yard. They’d find a way to make it racist. This couple is the poster for racism!

1 year ago
Reply to  Robin Mirro

Robin Mirro I agree with you! Why would anyone even vote for her when she plainly stated she hates America. That is just a way to get Obama back in the white house. He would be running things not her!!!

Beth Piearcy
1 year ago

She needs to stay retired we don’t need another Obama running the country on top of Bidens fiasco.

1 year ago

I sure hope NOT. SHE Has never been in the govt. She couldnt even make a decent lunch program for the schools. I watched most kids throw out her food. She likes being in the limelight with the elites but that dont make a country thrive. She even said she hated America. And why would we want to give the Obamas another 4 yrs. We trusted them before and look where he got us. And now with Brandon in there its even worse. She is not President material.

1 year ago

We can’t aford the Obummas any more .. The first one is the one that started all this mess in the first place She messed up the kids school lunches an i dont no about everybody else But i dont want men to go in are ladys bathroom with my grandkids ..

1 year ago

She thinks she can do it because actually Mr. Obama would have the job. So now, suppose Americans are stupid enough to put her in office, and heaven forbid, something happens to him. Oh dear!!! Remember, she was NOT proud to be an American; why would we think she/they, would do anything with our best interest at heart?

Dave almighty
Dave almighty
1 year ago

There’s a lot to unpack here. The country elected Donald Trump who had no experience in government. He ran a corrupt business. He has all these legal issues and very well may become a convicted felon. Trump changed the game when it comes to the qualifications of being the president of the free world. As a fact while he was president he had no interest in learning the job but more so the power of the position. He has no clue of this country’s history. Mrs Obama has First Lady experience. Have we forgotten Hillary Clinton ran for president? She lost because she ran a terrible campaign and well as having the Clinton name baggage. Mrs Obama on the other hand is a different beast that the Republicans fear. The people at this point just at minimum what someone to run other than Biden. Any generic candidate besides Biden would win in a landslide. Remember Ronald Regan, the Actor. He became president and Barack Obama became president, all with little or no experience. Michelle Obama 2024!!! This time instead of the Change campaign, it should be the Sane Campaign.

Annamarie Trusty
Annamarie Trusty
1 year ago

I say let her go for it. Nobody knows how it will go . She just may be the one we need.

1 year ago

Michelle can do the president and be the president. Trump has never been in an Government Office either, so what makes him better than her, and her husband was in the Government, I think it would be a great idea. She would for sure knock Nikki out the box with no problem

1 year ago

Michelle yes for president

1 year ago

If she runs and gets elected then there is no hope for us save the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tina Meoak
Tina Meoak
1 year ago

What would it hurt Michelle Obama being president. Donald Trump never was in office until he was voted in and he did a very poor job as president. That least Michelle has an education in law. Her husband was president she has had plenty of information. I believe she would do a great job

1 year ago

# 1 she herself claimed the White House was like a guided prison. Which was why they were Always taking Vacations on the taxpayers money!!! Now the Demon wants to Squat in there AGAIN??? They didn’t cause enough Havic while they were there and in Biden’s reign?? Biden is just a puppet for Obama in the 1st place!! They, all 4 of them need to be convicted of TREASON on Numerous counts!!!Along with the Demons Clinton!!

Evelyn anderson
Evelyn anderson
1 year ago
Reply to  Henson

I do so agree you are totally rightread the good book they don’t agree woth what’s going on in the world today

1 year ago

1. Michele hates America?
2. She has written racial comments in the past- check it out?
3. If elected, is Barack going to be the actual President?
Is she just looking for campaign donations?

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