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General Hospital Refuses To Forgive Ingo Rademacher

General Hospital is refusing to forgive Ingo Rademacher. Even though actor Steve Burton has been brought back on the show to reprise his role as Jason Morgan, the same can’t be said about Ingo. Both men were let go from the soap back in 2021 when they refused to comply with the ABC network’s vaccine mandate at the time. While Ingo sued ABC for discrimination, Steve kept his head down and went to work for Days of Our Lives instead. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital Refuses To Forgive Ingo Rademacher

Of course, many General Hospital fans have had a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some have even commented with, “Some are saying Ingo Rademacher should be re-hired since Burton is back. Perhaps memory fails, but Burton never filed a lawsuit against ABC/Disney. Meanwhile, Rademacher filed a suit, kept changing his claims & lost. What company would rehire him under those circumstances?” along with, “I see it from both points of view. Info dug his grave when he sued Disney as an actor, vaccine or not, he needs to be hired anywhere but can’t now, but now a lawyer can go after GH and say it’s discrimination SB shouldn’t have been hired again, Jason can be recast.”

Another critic wrote, “I’m no fan of SB, but he presented publicly with a degree of professionalism and civility during the viral turbulence. IR did quite the opposite. I can’t see any company hiring him based on his litigious and explosive nature.”

GH News: Will Ingo Rademacher Ever Get A Job Again?

And then there was this comment as well: “Also, Ingo literally admits in his latest video, that he was on the chopping block well before Covid. He’s an HR nightmare. No one is going to rehire him, and he needs to accept his own actions resulted in his firing. He blames his politics, but nobody cares, unless you push them!”

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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