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General Hospital Spoilers: The Truth About Charlotte’s Confession

General Hospital spoilers say that it’s not easy growing up in a fictional town of Port Charles and if there’s one person who knows that all too well, it’s Charlotte Cassadine.

As many fans know by now, Nina recently visited Charlotte in the hospital, where she is recuperating after getting shot. Nina tries to get Charlotte to open up as to why she hates Anna so much.

The character’s portrayer, Scarlett Fernandez, recently offered a little insight into why that might be. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: The Truth About Charlotte’s Confession

Speaking to Soap Opera Digest in a new interview, Scarlett admits that there’s really no one that Charlotte can trust in her life. However, she tells Nina that she was the one who spray painted Anna’s house and destroyed her hotel room.

One of the reasons why Charlotte opened up to Nina is because she was just so gentle with her. Nina wasn’t shocked by Charlotte’s confession at all because she knew she was the one who destroyed Anna’s place.

Now, as far as why Charlotte is doing the things that she’s doing, Scarlett says that it’s more than just your typical teenage angst.

She said, She just feels like, ‘Why is he accusing her of doing things when he hasn’t even been present, really, in her life?’ He sent her to boarding school and now he is blaming things on her when she think it’s really his and Anna’s fault.”

General Hospital Spoilers: What’s Happening Next For Charlotte?

That said, Charlotte still has a lot of love for her father, Valentin, but not so much Anna. She still has a long way before she will ever accept her into her life.

Scarlett explained, “I don’t think she really feels bad [for going after Anna] or even feels like she betrayed him. I think she is just still so convinced that Anna is really out to get her and out to get Valentin that she is still on a mission. She still feels like she needs to get Anna!”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

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1 year ago

she needs to be deprogramed. This was not Anan fault.

1 year ago

The young lady who plays Charlotte is a terrific actress. Her performance today (11/21) was heart wrenching! She truly believes that Anna is out to get both her and Valentin, and I hope they get her the proper help!!

1 year ago

Charlotte needs to be slapped! Not literally. With ALL the savvy people in Port Chuck, they can’t figure this out? That she’s a scammer? Come on!

1 year ago

She needs help and be ðeprogrammed

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