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General Hospital Spoilers UPDATE Wednesday, October 11: Wise Advice, Job Offers, Surprise Encounters

General Hospital Spoilers UPDATE Wednesday, October 11: Wise Advice, Job Offers, Surprise Encounters

General Hospital spoilers and updates for Wednesday, October 11 tease wise advice, job offers and surprise encounters. Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) gives wise advice, Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) responds to a job offer, and Eddie Maine (Wally Kurth) has a surprise encounter with his past.

General Hospital Spoilers: On The Job Training

Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) has reported to GH for her on the job training for patient advocate, and Stella Henry’s (Vernee Watson) acclimates her.

Stella asks Felicia if she wants to switch it up a bit again, and Felicia asks her what she has in mind. Felicia is happy and excited about this new phase in her life and starting a new career, much less dangerous than private eye or spy work. Felicia acts like she can’t wait to get started-but Stella no doubt will warn her it’s not all happy times and sunshine.

Stella may remind her that she first came to Port Charles and worked as Mike Corbin’s (Max Gail) patient advocate. Sometimes there is loss and death, and one cannot get too attached to the patients.

GH Spoilers: Wise Advice

At the Ashford-Robinson home, Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) talks about Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) and takes his own wise advice, which he tells his father. Marshall Ashford (Robert Gossett) listens as Curtis says he doesn’t think he can tell his daughter who to be with or what to do-and he’d be right.

Before Trina left for New York City with Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) wanted to put a stop to it but was advised not to interfere. Trina is legal age and all it would have done is make Trina resentful had Portia interfered. Trina will soon show up and catch up with her father and grandfather, bearing gifts for Curtis.

General Hospital Spoilers: Dinner Tonight?

Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) will make a confession to Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) after he rushes over to her at work. She appears to be at the Nurses’ Station when he asks her if she can have dinner with him tonight. She doesn’t look too positive when he asks, but maybe she just has a better idea.

It’s been an emotional day for Finn, who saw Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) find out from Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) that their father has ALS. To be fair, she assumed he already knew and when she realized he didn’t he drug it out of her.

GH Spoilers: Job Offers

Portia talks to someone in an office at GH, telling them she’s had a change of heart-she’s been offered the position of co-chief of staff; Stella encourages her to take it. It sounds like she either had to think about it or outright turned the job down, it being a lot of responsibility.

But now she’s all in and will be starting the new phase of her career soon! It’s a tough job sometimes but someone has to do it-the position’s been vacant since the death of Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud).

General Hospital Spoilers: Emotional Regrets

Finn will also show up with their father Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison) at Chase’s apartment, and Greg and Chase will both have tears in their eyes.

Greg apologizes to his younger son for not telling him about his terminal illness sooner, he says it’s not fair to him and he’s so sorry! This will prove to be an emotional scene as the Chase family connects and figures out where to go from there.

Gregory’s ALS is progressing, and it’s impossible to predict how much good time he has left to complete his bucket list. Perhaps they’ll plan one last family trip together with Violet Finn (Jophielle Love).

General Hospital Spoilers UPDATE Wednesday, October 11: Wise Advice, Job Offers, Surprise Encounters

GH Spoilers: Confrontation

Meanwhile, Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) has left Chase’s apartment where she tried to comfort him, and headed over to the Quartermaine mansion. Her intent is to confront Tracy for butting into the Chase’s lives like she does everyone else, trying to control things.

Chase didn’t explain that it was a slip of the tongue on Tracy’s part, having assumed he already knew about his father’s ALS and drug it out of her. Tracy asks her what exactly does she think she did, but their conversation will be interrupted by a knock on the door.

General Hospital Spoilers: Surprise Encounters

Still at the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy and Brook Lynn are surprised by Brook Lynn’s mother, Lois Cerullo (Rena Sofer) at the door, who hasn’t been there for years.

The last time Lois came to Port Charles was in 2005, and it wasn’t a very long stay-Brook Lynn’s excited, Olivia Quartermaine’s (Lisa LoCicero) more excited. Tracy, not so much, and the feeling’s mutual as far as Lois is concerned-then, Eddie walks in and says he knows her!

Lois tells Eddie of course he does, she’s his ex-wife and mother of his daughter. But that’s not where he knows her from-he says she was in his dream; Lois is the siren that inspired his song!  

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.


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