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General Hospital Spoilers: Stella Can’t Stomach Portia’s Lies — and Jordan Might Reveal Them

General Hospital Spoilers: Stella Can’t Stomach Portia’s Lies — and Jordan Might Reveal Them

General Hospital Spoilers tease Stella Henry (Vernee Watson) is struggling to make peace with what she suspects might be the most callous disregard for someone’s partner that she’s ever seen. Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) is supposed to be in love with Stella’s nephew, Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner). So why would she lie to him all these years and pretend her daughter, Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali), was conceived via her marriage to Marcus Taggert (Réal Andrew) when she knew very well that may not have been true?

Stella has recused herself from officiating Curtis and Portia’s wedding, but she’s feigning illness to get out of it. Portia suspects there is more to the story though, as there usually is where Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) is involved. Jordan was with Stella earlier that day and could’ve given her an earful. Is that what this is about? Is Jordan starting to talk?

General Hospital Spoilers — Jordan Spilled the Beans to Stella

When Stella came back to town, she didn’t waste any time before reconnecting with her family, and that included her family-to-be. When she spoke to Trina and discovered Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) had questioned her about the genealogy website she used for her high school ancestry project, Stella was surprised and decided to inquire further with Jordan about why she was so interested in it.

Within moments of reading the expression on Jordan’s face, Stella connected the dots and realized Jordan suspected Trina might be Curtis’ daughter. Ever since then, Stella hasn’t been able to put it out of her mind, but she’s still trying to figure out the best way to deal with knowing what she might know.

General Hospital Spoilers: Stella Can’t Stomach Portia’s Lies — and Jordan Might Reveal Them

GH Spoilers Say Stella is Paralyzed

Jordan may merely be aware that Portia doesn’t truly know who the father of her child is, but Stella is aware of that and that she has a relative in Port Charles who was using the same site Trina was when they were matched. Her nerves have gotten the best of her and led Stella to call off her participation in Curtis’ wedding, citing illness so he won’t suspect anything is wrong. Still, Portia will know something is off, and when Jordan shows up on their wedding day, there could be fireworks.

General Hospital Spoilers — Will Jordan Tell Curtis?

Jordan has kept her word for nearly a year; she hasn’t uttered a word of this to Curtis or anyone else — until Stella started nosing around. If Jordan is against being the person to tell Curtis the truth, her presence on their wedding day is likely her final push to get Portia to do it herself. This could erode quickly in several directions. Stella might show up to voice her opinion anyway, or Jordan may reveal to Portia that Stella is onto her, which could push Portia to come clean. Jordan and Portia could end up arguing as well, and someone — like Trina — might walk in at the most inopportune time to hear the worst thing imaginable. Keep checking back with us for more GH news and spoilers to find out how this unfolds.


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