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General Hospital Spoilers: Rena Sofer Says Lois Came Back To Cause Trouble

She’s back and from what we can tell so far, she’s also back with a vengeance! Of course, we are talking about General Hospital star Rena Sofer, who is returning to Port Charles to reprise her role as Lois Cerullo. And according to the actress, Lois came back to stir a little trouble. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: Rena Sofer Says Lois Came Back To Cause Trouble

While it’s been a very long time since we’ve seen Rena Sofer on the set in Port Charles, the actress said that she is certainly excited to be back. But the focus is not going to be totally on Lois in the coming weeks. Rena told Soap Opera Digest in a new interview, “This story isn’t about me.  The story is about Brook Lynn. The story is about Eddie Maine and Ned, so I need to respect that. This is not about me coming back and telling my story; this is about me coming back and supporting the stories that are there with me trying to create the knowledge of who Lois is now, 27 years later. So that is challenging, but also, part of the fun.”

Rena also said that she knows fans have been dying to have her back in General Hospital for years now. She said, “If they hadn’t spent the last 27 years constantly making little buzzing noises about Lois coming back, or me coming back as Lois, I wouldn’t be in this position. It’s inspiring, and I am forever grateful.”

General Hospital Spoilers: What’s Next For Lois?

Of course, many General Hospital fans have commented on the matter with, “​​Awesome to see her back; for a hot minute I suspected either a major recast or a return of Lesli Kay, so it’s nice seeing Rena Sofer coming back, and I hope she continues to stick around!”

Another fan said on social media, “This looks like a one off return. She’s already saying it’s not about her so it’s either a 6 week or 6 month arc. Also, her and Wally Kurth were married/divorced. While they have co-parented over the years I doubt they’ve been hanging out either and I’m sure she isn’t dying to see him 24/7 even if it’s just for work. Time will tell of course. I am curious to see how Lois plays in 2023.”

It goes without saying that fans will simply have to tune in to find out what will happen next! Watch this space. General Hospital airs on the ABC network. Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.



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