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Meghan Markle Will Attend The Invictus Games For The Closing Ceremony

It looks like she’s going to be there after all! There are new reports that say Meghan Markle will join her husband in Germany in the coming weeks for the Invictus Games. However, she’s only going to be there for the tail end of the games. Either way, this is going to be very exciting for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex fans as they haven’t seen the royal couple together at an event like this in a very long time. Here’s what we know so far.

Meghan Markle Will Attend The Invictus Games For The Closing Ceremony

According to new reports, a spokesperson confirms that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are “delighted to be attending” the Invictus Games 2023 in Düsseldorf next month. It’s also been noted that Harry will be there from the start and Meghan will join him later on in the competition. They’ll both be at the closing ceremony.

Now, it goes without saying that even though Meghan Markle seems to be the most despised person in the British media, she’s also someone who is heavily featured, reported and talked about, too. There’s no doubt that the press and the tabloid media in the UK will dissect every move she makes, every word that she speaks, and of course, judge everything that she wears. It’s almost as if it’s going to become the Meghan Markle show more than the Invictus Games.

But then again, the Invictus Games could use all of the publicity that it can get, and with both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle there, there’s no doubt in anyone’s minds that this is one way that the event will make front page news. It happened last year when the games were held in Holland and there’s no doubt in anyone’s minds that it will happen again this year in Germany. 

Harry And Meghan Are Going To Make A Lot Of Headlines Next Month

Now, whether or not Prince Harry and Meghan Markle do a stop over in London on their way home is what everyone really wants to know. Word on the street is that King Charles is desperate to have peace talks with his son. Watch this space.

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