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King Charles Requested For The BBC To Not Show Footage Of Queen Letizia At The World Cup Final

Wow. Just wow. There’s a new report that says King Charles requested for the BBC not to show footage of Queen Letizia of Spain at the Women’s World Cup Final in Australia. This, after Prince Wlliam failed to show up to support Team England. Apparently, a lot of critics believe this just demonstrates how neither King Charles nor many members of the royal family understand how social media really works. 

King Charles Requested For The BBC To Not Show Footage Of Queen Letizia At The World Cup Final

A new video shows Queen Letizia, dressed from head to toe in red, along with her daughter Princess Sophia, celebrating with Team Spain after they beat England 1-0 in the Women’s World Cup Final. Queen Letizia can be seen cheering and singing along with the team as they celebrated together.

Now, it’s pretty obvious why King Charles didn’t want the British public to see all of the festivities as it would have just reminded everyone that Prince William was not there. Whether he chose not to be there or simply couldn’t be there is anyone’s guess at this point but the fact that Queen Letizia managed to fly to Australia at the very last minute sure doesn’t make the Prince of Wales look very good.

BBC Did Not Show The World Cup Celebrations

Some royal critics have even commented on the matter with, “Watching the Spanish monarchs one can’t help it but compare it to its British counterpart: the Spanish monarchy is chic, modern, youthful, alluring, and the British is stale and bland as soggy bread. Yikes!” along with, “Oh that’s pitiful. And if the BBC grants that request, it’s outrageous! The Spanish Queen and her daughter seem modern, likable, down to earth and relatable.”

Another critic wrote, “They obviously don’t understand the internet, either. Those videos have been uploaded since 5 a.m. EST. I do not understand how one of the richest family businesses in the world can have such feckless, worthless PR/comm staffers. It’s not as if the World Cup just popped up.”

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter.

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