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Meghan Markle Thought The Millions She Got For Her Royal Work Was Not Enough

For this duchess, it just wasn’t enough. Royal Family News says that Meghan Markle was apparently upset that the money she got from King Charles’ Duchy was not enough for her to live the royal life that she supposedly expected. Here’s what you need to know.

Meghan Markle Thought The Millions She Got For Her Royal Work Was Not Enough

According to reports, back in 2018, Prince Harry’s annual allowance from Duchy, which he shared with Meghan, was £5 million or $6.9 million. This amount apparently paid for the Duke and Duchess and their public duties as working members of the royal family, such as wardrobe and travel, as well as private costs. Yet, sources say that Meghan still complained about not getting paid enough during her public walkabouts. Go figure, right? 

Clearly, many royal fans and critics alike had a lot to say about Meghan Markle believing that the $6 million she got that year wasn’t enough. Some have even taken to social media to write comments such as, “Meghan total net worth at the time she married H was around 5 million. If you choose to believe that.. I don’t. This was all she had accumulated in her life’s work. Yet she wants to grumble about 6.5 million a yr. With all other expenses, luxuries, a life style given to them,” along with, “This really takes the cake. We know they were thick as thieves to spill to Oprah and then launch themselves into big money deals. All the nonsense about racism was just that nonsense. Liars and grifters.”

What’s Next For Meghan Markle?

Another critic wrote, “She never understood, or wanted to understand what being a Royal meant. It was just another stepping stone towards her ultimate goal of being a Hollywood celebrity adored by all. Instead she is a failed Royal, failed actress, failed podcaster . . . she is nothing.”

Yikes, it’s pretty clear that the critics have spoken and they all think that Meghan had acted pretty entitled while she was still a working member of the royal family. One can only imagine how she feels about her finances now, seeing how she’s lost her multi-million dollar contract with Spotify.

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