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General Hospital’s Nancy Lee Grahn Will Not Be Silenced

You can take away her Twitter account, but there’s no way that you are going to take away her voice. Even though she was left humiliated after her Twitter account was hacked, General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis) proves that there’s no way that you are going to silence her, no matter how many times you can try and block her from social media. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital’s Nancy Lee Grahn Will Not Be Silenced

As many General Hospital fans know by now, Nancy Lee Grahn’s Twitter account was hacked just last week. It was so bad that the hacker even released her personal phone number on social media and kept posting political opinions that are clearly the opposite of Nancy’s everyday view. It wasn’t until later that day that Nancy finally got her Twitter account back, but only after the hacker announced that she was leaving General Hospital. The tweet said, “no longer a part of @GeneralHospital. i’m sorry to all the fans this may upset, but i feel like it’s time to move onto bigger and better things – nancy.”

And now that Nancy has her account back, it seems like she is blaming Elon Musk for what had happened and how Twitter has changed so much since he took over. She wrote on Friday, “Elon Musk’s behavior on twitter has been not only imbecilic but dangerous. The only way to hurt a megalomaniac billionaire is to cost him $. I recommend blocking all the advertisers that pop up on ur feed sending them & shareholders a message that we want Musk gone from twitter.”

General Hospital News: What’s Next For Nancy?

She even went as far as saying, “I encourage everyone here to immediately block Elon Musk. Twitter is now his intended bully pulpit and the the people he bullies are those we admire, respect & need to hear from. The more who unfollow Musk, the more his manipulated algorithm gets messed up. #BlocktheBully.”

Yikes. Here’s hoping that Nancy doesn’t get hacked again and that Twitter becomes the safe space that it once was. 

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