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Is Camilla Parker Bowles Planting Stories About Kate Middleton’s Marriage?

Is there a mole working overtime behind the scenes at Windsor Castle? That’s what some fans can’t help but wonder as there’s a new report that suggests Camilla Parker Bowles might be the person behind all of the stories about Kate Middleton’s marriage lately. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Is Camilla Parker Bowles Planting Stories About Kate Middleton’s Marriage?

According to several different reports coming out of Britain’s The Sun and Express papers, it seems like Prince William and Kate Middleton’s marriage has hit a rough spot. Or at least, that’s what some people would like to believe. Just in the last week there have been reports that suggest the Prince and Princess of Wales are having a hard time balancing the demands of their royal engagements with their life at home with their three children. That might or might not be one of the reasons why their marriage is lacking romance these days. If that weren’t enough, another report says that Kate has been forced to treat William like her fourth child. That’s because of all the temper tantrums he has behind the scenes.

While no one knows if any of these rumors are true or not, there’s some speculation that someone might be behind all of these leaks. Could it be Camilla Parker Bowles? No one knows for sure, but it did seem like William and Kate did upstage King Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles at the coronation earlier this month. In fact, some people even went as far as to say that the coronation lacked excitement and that the people of Great Britain would have had more to look forward to with William and Kate at the helm.

Buckingham Palace Has No Comment

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about all of the rumors, but it’s doubtful that anything will be said. Here’s hoping that someone does get to the bottom of all the marriage and strife rumors before they get out of hand. Before you know it, William and Kate are going to become enemies of the press just like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are. 

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