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British Royal News: Meghan Markle Says She Was Criticized For Being Ambitious While Dating Prince Harry

British Royal News says that Meghan Markle says that she didn’t even get a chance to prove herself when she was trying to prove herself. In her podcast for Archetypes, the Duchess of Sussex admitted that she “didn’t feel the negative connotation for ambition” until she started dating Prince Harry. Here’s what she has to say.

British Royal News: Meghan Markle Says She Was Criticized For Being Ambitious While Dating Prince Harry

While speaking to Serena Williams during their sit-down Meghan said that she was branded as being ambitious when she started dating her husband Prince Harry, and that it wasn’t a good thing at all.

Meghan said, “I don’t even remember hearing the negative connotations for the word ambition until I started dating my now-husband. And apparently ambition is a terrible, terrible thing, for a woman, that is according to some. So, since I’ve felt the negativity behind it, it’s really hard to un-feel it. I can’t un-see it either in the millions of women and girls who make themselves smaller, so much smaller on a regular basis.”

Of course, many critics have weighed in on the matter on social media. Some comments have included, “Ambitious??? She was relentless in her pursuit of PH. She was not ambitious she was a social climber looking for a meal ticket and she hit the jackpot!!We would never have heard of Miss Markle if she had not married into the RF,” along with, “What was previously known as hustle is now called ambitions by her. Blind toxic ambitions with no talent nor morals to back up is known as Machiavellian or psychopath in my book.”

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Another critic wrote, “Ambition, doesn’t she mean control? She joined the Royal Family and threw her dummy out of the prom when she couldn’t do what she wanted and realized she had to work. She’s pathetic, that’s why she was a z rated actress on the search for a rich husband.”

So far the Duchess of Sussex has not made any comments about the criticism, although it’s doubtful that she will.

In the meantime, let us know what you think with your thoughts in our comments section again. Be sure to catch up with everything on the British Royal Family right now. Come back here often for the British Royal Family news and updates.



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