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General Hospital News: Here’s What Ingo Rademacher Has Been Up To Since Filing His Lawsuit Against ABC

General Hospital news says that when it comes to Ingo Rademacher, fans need not to worry about him. Even though the actor didn’t end the year on the highest note, as he was forced out of his job at General Hospital and has since filed a lawsuit against his former employers, it looks like he’s spending all of his free time with his family. And that’s not such a bad thing at all especially when he gets to sing songs to his family, including his adorable baby daughter Iwa. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital News: Here’s What Ingo Rademacher Has Been Up To Since Filing His Lawsuit Against ABC

Sharing a clip of him getting on the floor with a guitar and singing to Iwa, he captioned the post with, “You bring us closer together” a little song I made up the other night when I was playing guitar to the family before bed about Iwa. She really does bring us closer together. I have to finish this one. I usually just start singing and make it up as i go along. Then I usually forget all the words. So much love for this little one from everyone in the family.”

Of course, it didn’t take very long for his fans and followers to comment on his photo. Many of them wrote, “I love this! Nothing like a new life to bring hope to this crazy world. I do support you and your family. I happen to be vaccinated as is my family, but that doesn’t mean you should lose your job because you chose not to! We all need to do what we feel is tm right for us. Keep fighting for personal freedoms. Miss you and Steve on GH!” along with, “Not only are you one of the best daytime television actors out there, but the best father and family man in the entertainment industry. God Bless you and your wife and kids.”

General Hospital News: What’s Ingo’s Next Move?

As many fans know by now, Ingo filed a lawsuit against Disney-owned ABC for the network’s vaccine mandate. Both Ingo and his former co-star Steve Burton (ex-Jason Morgan) were let go from the hit daytime television show for refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate. It’s been since reported that Ingo filed documents alleging he had requested a religious exemption, which he was denied. The actor also pointed out that the lockdowns and regulations set forth to help curb the spread of COVID-19 are the “most draconian restrictions in modern history.”

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.


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Judy In South Carolina
Judy In South Carolina
2 years ago

As I stated when I learned Ingo and Steve were “let go” from GH, I am in full support of both of their positions. I AM NOT anti-vaccine. I am merely anti-mandate. The government already controls too much of our lives……telling us we must put a substance in our bodies that we don’t want is, as Ingo described it, draconian at best.

And please don’t try and compare this Covid “jab” to the polio vaccine – it’s NOT even CLOSE to the same thing!!

2 years ago

Couldn’t agree more !

Robert P Thibault
2 years ago

But it can KILL anyone that gets it. At least getting shots gives people a much better chance of survival. So employees not vaccinated don’t get the chance to spread around this horrid illness.

2 years ago

If people would stop watching msm- start watching alternative news on rumble – such as Scott Mckay or Phil godlewski you will hear from top drs of the world – more people survive viruses if NOT vaccinated- do your own research .Covid can be survived very easily with the right therapeutics- Ingo and Steve are very brave to be follow their own paths

cheri D camba
2 years ago
Reply to  Rusty

My husband didn’t have a chance to get vaccinated, we both got COVID….he died, I didn’t. As for Ingo & Steve refusing to get vaccinated, yes that is absolutely their right. However, it’s also Disney/ABC’s right to fire them especially since California is a right to work state, meaning they can hire & fire at will without cause. This law was obviously designed for the employers.

2 years ago

I’m reading the new book “The Real Anthony Fauci”, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and believe me, or Covid pill) that is issued as long as this man is in power. His “clinical trials” were a sham, with no control group, so that he could write the bad reactions as “just a coincidence” because they had no placebo group to compare them to. It is all about profit to Fauci and big pharma, and I hope the as yet unvaxxed people will read the book. I go is better off not working for Disney, but I hope he prevails in his lawsuit.

2 years ago

Info’s interview with Tucker Carlson was FANTASTIC!! So Encouraging to hear people with common sense and no agenda discuss the ludicrous political scenario currently taking place in America under the guise of “saving Americans”. Administration could care less about saving anybody; it’s all about control. Quite a group of us have stopped watching General Hospital after 50 years of nonstop watching. Really sad that the powers that be are so irrational.

2 years ago
Reply to  Li

I’m one of those that have stopped watching after 47 years of being a loyal fan we all have the right to choose and excuse me they sure don’t mind killing unborn babies cause it’s their bodies their rights 🤷🏼‍♀️Should not getting the Vax be the same my body my choice 🤷🏼‍♀️Yes yes it should 😡

2 years ago

If the vax worked you wouldn’t be having breakthroughs like crazy 😡getting tested every time before entering the set should’ve been sufficient 🤔he should sue them

2 years ago

There are many conditions for employment. If you don’t like those conditions go somewhere else to work. I wouldn’t want to be employed where my co-workers were not vaccinated.

2 years ago

I’ve lost all respect for him so I don’t care what he is doing. As someone who believes in science and the benefits of the vaccine, his stance IMO is totally political and clearly he didn’t care about the safety of his fellow actors or crew.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Or maybe even his family which he claims to love.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cat

100% agree! He and Tucker Carlson will keep spreading lies and Covid will never go away. For the sake of your baby, IR… get the damn shot!!

Beverly Adams
Beverly Adams
2 years ago

I, too, am fully vaccinated – booster and all – but I don’t think it should be mandated. Each person should have the right to do as he/she sees fit. If the vaccine works, then vaccinated people have nothing to worry about, right?

2 years ago

I am okay with vaccines but I don’t think mandates are a good thing. It should be freedom of choice. Personally I don’t know how the actors and actresses on the Soaps can be comfortable doing their jobs at this time. They are in very close proximity every time they work in those scenes. I’d be terrified to get that close and forget about locking lips on the set with colds, viruses and a supposed pandemic going on. A full N95 mask wouldn’t work for soaps I guess and forget about staying 6ft apart. They get kudos from me for being brave.

2 years ago

Because of Ingo suing he will never be on GH again. This happened to a actor on another soap. I am sad Steve and Ingo decided to leave. It was there choice. Working in this industry you need to be safe. Doesn’t look like Covid it leaving any time soon.

2 years ago

i am not one for mandates either but i do think that the lawsuit is a barn burner. they tend to burn bridges. i would be surprised if you see him again on GH anytime soon

2 years ago

I agree with ingo and Steve for there believes , I didn’t get the shot either because it wouldn’t protect u any way. Miss Inga and Steve on the show. I agree that u should of got fired at all just for what u believe in. It is so dumb to get fired at all. God bless u and family at this time. 🙏 hope u the best next year.

2 years ago

Glad he is gone as NOBODY wants someone onset who opposes RULES. They are there for a reason to protect everyone, it was his choice to leave because he didn’t want to vaccinate. HIS CHOICE!! As it is the RIGHT of DISNEY to protect ALL their employees. He is also unable to work at his “other job” LA County Lifeguard for the same reason, vaccine mandate. Don’t see him suing the state of CA…

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