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Prince Harry Is Worried About Meghan Markle’s Plans To Write Her Own Memoir

What in the world could he actually be worried about? Despite the fact that Prince Harry is the one who spilled all the royal family’s very dirty secrets in his bombshell of a book, Spare, there’s a new report that suggests he’s afraid that his wife Meghan Markle might do the same. In fact, Prince Harry is so concerned about Meghan’s plans to write her own memoir that he might actually stop her from doing so, too. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Is Worried About Meghan Markle’s Plans To Write Her Own Memoir

According to Bella magazine, the Duchess of Sussex is desperate to get her story across as she wants to set the record straight on several things that happened behind closed doors. An avid writer, Meghan knows that her own book would definitely make waves and become even bigger than Prince Harry’s. But the Duke of Sussex is also concerned that Meghan’s book might actually reveal some things that will make him look pretty ugly in the process, too.

One source close to the situation put it this way, “Meghan really wants to get her side of the story across after Harry got the space to tell his story so deeply. There have been times that Harry has been less than perfect in the marriage, which he acknowledges, but no one is perfect.”

Not only that, but it also seems like Harry is worried that Meghan might go too far in her revelations. The insider added, “Harry is worried because he suspects that there will be revelations about his part in everything, including times where he may have fallen short of being a supportive husband to her – especially when life was tough within ‘The Firm.’”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Harry and Meghan?

So far Meghan herself hasn’t made any comments about her plans to write a book, but if she does, you can count on it that we will be one of the first to report it. Watch this space right here.

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