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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Might Be The Loser In His Divorce From Meghan Markle

Royal Family News suggests that while no one really wins in a divorce, it seems like Prince Harry might end up being a total loser, should he and Meghan Markle pull the plug on their marriage. That’s because he’s done so much damage in the way that he’s turned his back on his family and thrown them under the bus in the process. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Might Be The Loser In His Divorce From Meghan Markle

While no one knows if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will divorce for certain, it seems like more people are willing to sympathize with the Duchess of Sussex than her royal husband. Then again, it’s not like Meghan is in contact with her family members, but many people think that Harry will end up losing the PR game, should he go up against his own wife. For some critics, it really is a no-brainer. Meghan will want to keep the kids with her in California while Prince Harry will probably end up going back to the UK with his tail underneath his legs. It’s going to be very humiliating with him, to say the least.

Clearly, it seems like Meghan Markle has more of a chance to survive post-divorce than Prince Harry does. She seems to come off as more sympathetic to royal fans, believe it or not. Some royal fans have even commented on the matter with, “I don’t wish divorce on anyone, I’m just saying – but if Harry and Meghan were to split, the squad would drop Harry in a heartbeat. And I’d laugh and reminisce on days like today, when pro-Harry hashtags clogged up my trending topics simply bc their king deigned to take a meeting.”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex?

Another royal critic wrote, “I don’t like either of them but if I was forced to choose I’d be Team Meghan. What Harry did to his own family is unforgivable. He painted massive targets on their backs and tried to destroy a family with 3 young children. Harry is beyond despicable.”

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