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Joe Biden Slammed For ‘Sick And Disgusting’ Joke

Some people want answers and they want it fast. Outgoing President Joe Biden is being slammed for his ‘sick and disgusting’ joke that some people think he is pulling on the country. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Joe Biden Slammed For ‘Sick And Disgusting’ Joke

According to the latest reports, Joe Biden just awarded George Soros the Presidential Medal of freedom through his son Alex Soros.

If that weren’t enough, Hillary Clinton has just received the highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Joe Biden.

And of course, the internet certainly has had a lot to say about the matter, seeing how they believe that this is one of Biden’s most controversial moments.

It goes without saying that the internet certainly did have a lot to say about the matter. Some have even commented with, “And to make it worse.. his son Alex accepted the medal on his behalf.”

“Alex will soon inherit a big portion of George’s fortune and continue his legacy of influencing the result of our elections & destroying the country. His wealth should be confiscated & be put in prison.”

What’s Next For President Joe Biden?

Another critic wrote, “Shameful.. Giving the nation’s highest honor to someone actively funding chaos and division is a slap in the face to everyone who earned this award.”

And then there was this comment as well: “So what do they get this medal? I assume there is some elite status in their group or a monetary value within their circles. Most of these people are in history books already for some reason or another, so it isn’t to note their place in there.”

“What has Soros us even done? Why award him he’s done nothing for this country but attempt to divide us and shadow govern the corrupt Congress.”

So far Joe Biden himself has not made any comments about the matter just yet. 

In the meantime, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

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Susan Ifland
Susan Ifland
2 months ago

I think Bidumb and his evil cabal are very demented and sick people!

2 months ago

The Biden family has been a total embarrassment to our country and the most vial corrupt sick people Americans have ever seen

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