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General Hospital Spoilers: Will Dex Breach His Code as a Cop to Save Joss’ Mom?

General Hospital Spoilers: Will Dex Breach His Code as a Cop to Save Joss' Mom?

General Hospital spoilers reveal Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) is officially a cop now. This is all that Josslyn ‘Joss’ Jacks (Eden McCoy) ever wanted — a boyfriend who was somewhat safe at work and doing said work on the right side of the law.

She couldn’t respect Dex the same way when he was acting as an enforcer for Sonny Corinthos’ (Maurice Benard) illegal operations. Now that Dex is on the presumed right side of the law, it’ll shock Joss just as much as it does her beau when she is inclined to ask him to bend the rules just this once, for her.

Joss has done nothing but preach about the mistakes Sonny makes and how he feels he’s above the law and can do whatever he wants — with disregard for anyone else’s feelings.

Now, it seems Joss just might take a page from her former stepfather’s book on that, but will Dex stand by her?

General Hospital Spoilers — Joss Wanted a White Knight

When she first hooked up with Dex, Joss wasn’t interested in what kind of morals the guy carried with him — obviously.

But over time, that changed. As she fell in love with Dex, she became more concerned with what he stood for, and she felt misled when she learned he was willing to kill someone on Sonny’s order.

Now, she’s finally got her hands on a reformed version of the same guy. He has earned his way back into her heart — just in time for her to ask him to go back?

GH Spoilers Hint Carly Trumps Dex?

Joss is noticeably worried about how this scheme Sonny has concocted will turn out when all is said and done.

She meant it when she said she is scared that one of these times, her mom won’t be able to get away with helping Sonny — a known mobster who is guilty of most things he’s accused of doing. Is Joss’ mom more important to her than any future she might have with Dex? Probably.

General Hospital Spoilers: Will Dex Breach His Code as a Cop to Save Joss' Mom?

Besides, family first, and she has a little sister to think about.

General Hospital Spoilers — Is It Already Over?

Dex and Joss just got back together. It’s possible that they’ll soon be over though if Dex doesn’t comply with Joss’ request to help her save her mom from her own bad choices.

Dex may have to approach this carefully so as to not jeopardize his relationship with Joss. She knows her mom doesn’t have a great moral compass when it comes to Sonny, but she doesn’t want her to pay the price for his — or her own — mistakes, regardless.

Does that jive with the moral code she has expected Dex to uphold? Not exactly. While it sounds like Joss could ditch Dex for not bending to her will, it’s also possible Dex could ditch her for even asking him to.

After all that he’s done to remedy his reputation and the way she looks at him, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just ahead.


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