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The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Hope Logan’s Medical Condition Revealed

This certainly explains a lot of things. The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers say there might be a reason why Hope Logan has been acting so erratic lately. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Hope Logan’s Medical Condition Revealed

As many B&B fans have noticed, Hope’s emotions seem to be all over the place lately. It seems like she’s confused herself about who she wants to be with as she is totally jealous over Thomas Forrester’s relationship with Paris Buckingham but is also quite obsessed with Finn, too.

And while there seem to be a lot of people scratching their heads over Hope’s behavior and how she has been fantastizing about kissing Finn all the time, it seems like the pretty blonde is also baffled and horrified by her behavior.

This has prompted a lot of people to wonder if she has a medical condition that is making her feel this way. Well, it seems like the truth is coming to come out sooner rather than later.

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers say that Hope is going to have a health scare that is going to lead her to Finn in a way that she wouldn’t have otherwise expected.

Hope’s diagnosis will definitley explain her obsession with Finn. 

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: What’s Next For Hope Logan?

It goes without saying that many The Bold and the Beautiful fans have had a lot to say about the matter.

Some have even commented with: “There sure could be or maybe a psychological issue, but something is definitely off, she has been acting ooc for over a year now and getting worse!”

Another critic wrote, “Bell likes to use the same story lines on both BB and Y&R. Y&R just did a whole split personality story so I’m sure they’re planning on using that here too. Hope’s ‘out of character’ actions will be caused by a new personality. Not a brain tumor.”

And then there was this comment as well: “There is nothing wrong with Hope except she is acting like a spoiled brat. She never grew up.”

“She lives in an unrealistic world were the man must arrive on a white horse and adore her and tell her wonderful she is and once they disappoint her she moves on.”

Of course, The Bold and the Beautiful fans will have to tune in to find out what will happen next!

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on the CBS network. Check your local listings for times.

In the meantime, come back right here for all the latest updates and spoilers on your favorite daytime television shows including The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital and Days of Our Lives.


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Gina & Teddy
Gina & Teddy
6 months ago

After the many times that Stephie has stabbed Hope in the back over Liam, Thomas, Hope for the Future, & always trying to ruin her life, I guess Hope has had enough! I think she should get a backbone & tell all of them in the same room & let it all explode. She should also say, I had to get plasterd to kiss you Finn so Stephie could know how she has made me feel all the times you did it to me. You don’t like it do you Stephie! She also bought her stolen baby & Thomas knew. They fire her lead designer then they make her take him back. Then Liam is jealous & runs back to Stephie screws her then divorced Hope cuz she kissed Thomas but how many times has Liam & Stephie done it to her! I don’t like Paris either cuz I think she is just a gold digger cuz look at her past with the Foresters too!

Noneya Bizznezz
Noneya Bizznezz
6 months ago

No, Hope has ALWAYS been this way, she just tells everyone she’s good and sweet and they believe her. She’s always been sneaky, mean and never supportive to other women. She’s always strung guys along, she’s always been judgemental and has one set of rules for herself and another for everyone else. She’s allowed to treat people like trash but expects to be rewarded, forgiven and adored when she makes mistakes, but anyone else makes one and she’s the first to yell and scream about how they’re despicable. Brooke coddled, spoiled and handed her EVERYTHING her whole life, she just expects it now. There’s no medical issue, this is just who Hope is. She’s trash.


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