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Donald Trump And Melania Trump Fighting Over Their Son Barron Trump

At this point, no one is surprised. There’s heavy speculation on social media that suggests Donald Trump and Melania Trump are at odds over their son, Barron Trump. Because as much as Donald would love to see his youngest child hit the campaign trail with him this summer, Melania thinks that he would focus more on getting into a good college and staying away from the spotlight as much as possible.

Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Donald Trump And Melania Trump Fighting Over Their Son Barron Trump

Donald Trump and Melania Trump are fighting over their son, Barron Trump. At least, that’s what all of the speculation seems to be online.

Even though Donald has never really been close to his son Barron, it seems like he does want him by his side now more than ever before. That’s because he realizes just how popular the young man has become and knows that he could use that to his own advantage, especially when it comes to his presidential campaign.

Plus, because Barron is so young, his popularity might actually attract the younger voting crowd, which Donald knows he needs right now.

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Of course, Melania Trump sees all of this quite differently. Even though Barron is at an age in which he can make decisions for himself, Melania doesn’t think it’s a good idea for him to be exposed as she’s seen the media bully him enough already. If that weren’t enough, she knows that Barron needs to focus on his college studies instead.

Any good mother would encourage their child to go to college rather than enter the cut throat and sometimes even filthy world of politics. Melania knows that Barron doesn’t need that in his life right now.

So far the Trumps have not made any comments about the matter but we will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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