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The Hate Between Prince Harry And Queen Camilla Is Real

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, it just did. Prince Harry has pretty much proven that there is no love lost between him and his stepmother, Queen Camilla, while the queen herself has also proven that she feels the exact same way that he does. In fact, many royal fans and critics alike are speculating on social media that the hate between Harry and Camilla has got to be real because the Duke of Sussex didn’t want her there during a meeting between him and his father, King Charles. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

The Hate Between Prince Harry And Queen Camilla Is Real

Prince Harry wanted to meet with his father, King Charles, during his short visit to London this week but the King of England couldn’t make the time in his schedule to make it happen. Or at least, that’s what some reports say. Others say that Prince Harry had a list of demands and one of them was to make sure that Queen Camilla kept her distance from him at Buckingham Palace. That certainly didn’t sit too well with the king.

Many royal fans and critics have even commented on the matter with, “Charles is too scared to be in a room alone with his own son because then they might have a real, honest conversation between two adults. Instead Charles needs buffers, fluffers and an itemized-to-the-minute schedule because it protects him from the awkward messiness of real life,” along with, “It’s really so interesting how the BM trivialize Charles. As you say, he’s the King. I don’t see what difference it makes whether Camilla is in the room or not – Charles will tell Camilla everything afterward, anyway. And really, what is it that people are expecting from a meeting between Charles and Harry?”

Harry Has No Love For His Stepmother

Another critic wrote, “I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry has no direct access to Charles and is always forced to go through courtiers. However, in my mind, Harry would request a meeting with his father, not an audience with the king. However, Charles and the palace do not differentiate between the two, so Harry is just acknowledging that through his press release.”

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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