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General Hospital Fans Upset Over The New Direction Of The Show

General Hospital fans have made it no secret that they aren’t very happy with the direction that the show is going in. In fact, many have expressed their sheer confusion over the writing. As many fans know, the new writing team of Patrick Mulcahey and Elizabeth Korte have taken over at the helm. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital Fans Upset Over The New Direction Of The Show

Many General Hospital fans have taken to social media to express their disdain over the latest episodes of the show. That’s because they seem rather confused as to what might be going on. Some even suggested that Patrick and Elizabeth need to do an interview to explain their vision, simply because so many of the storylines seem to be rather chaotic.

Some have even commented on the matter with, “Trying to give time for the transition but it’s getting harder. If this is another lackluster sweeps, I honestly think this show could be in trouble. They’ve got a few months to get the show on track before The Gates starts, which will be direct competition in many markets,” along with, “I would be fine if it turned out Helena was really alive and had drugged the water supply with hallucinogenic drugs for the last x amount of years. I’d be ok with the Bobby Ewing it was all a dream or hallucinations excuse.”

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Another critic wrote, “I agree. The state of the show right now is quite unfocused and confusing. And if they are restructuring and trying to restart, that could help viewers understand and give a little more grace to what’s happening now; if in the end those writers could map out a clear-cut vision.”

So far the writing team has not made any comments about the matter just yet.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

It goes without saying that General Hospital fans will have to tune in each and every day to find out what will happen next. General Hospital airs on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Also, watch this space for all of the latest breaking news. Come back to Celebrating the Soaps for everything you need to know about The Young and the Restless, General Hospital, The Bold and the Beautiful, Days of Our Lives, the British Royal Family and the hottest celebs.


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10 months ago

Personally, I love the new direction of the show. The previous writers left storylines unfinished, (Who killed Austin), and were much more chaotic than what this article is describing. Give them a chance.

Carlene Simpson
10 months ago

I am very confused concerning the direction of the show. Changes to characters personalities and decision making has been extremely unpopular. The stories have continued to be extended to the point of boredom. Bringing in new characters that have no relevance to the story and then firing of characters who have been with the show for years is not going over well with fans. We read on spoilers the events that are coming and either it doesn’t happen or we have no cliffhanger to look forward too. A lot of fans want Sonny fixed and the Pikeman story to end. We hear rumors Maurice Bernard is controlling the show which doesn’t sit well with fans. No one person especially an actor/character should have that much power. We would like to hear from the new writers, when first coming on board was great but now it’s gotten to the point of being a disservice to the fans as well as a disaster. The sweeps used to be great but lately not so much.

10 months ago

I agree this show is hitting rock bottom. I have watched this show 55 years and am getting ready to give it up. So sad

10 months ago

Totally agree! Why has Sonny all of a sudden became the bad guy? Why is no one seeing he is in trouble? This is a town that loved and depended on him and now he needs them and all they are doing is trying to put him away!

10 months ago

The only thing I hate about what’s going on with GH is, the storylines are jumping around to much!! Each storyline leaves a cliff hanger, and then we don’t or they don’t show it for quite sometime!! Example the Valentin part with Pikemen & Brenner, 2) Sonny and his pills this is going on way to long it’s just repeating his anger to everyone, 3) Poor Gregory they are leaving him hanging on when Finn was suppose to find a cure for him, 4) The wedding is When?? I could go on and on like these writers are doing but I just wanted to prove a point!! After watching GH for over 50yrs. the last few months are more confusing than any other!! So GH WRITERS listen to US FAN’S Start resolving some storylines Please, not delete them but the main Topic can you let us see it solved THANK-YOU

10 months ago
Reply to  gammalinda48

Totally agree

10 months ago

What they are doing to Ava’s character is unforgiveable. After seeing Dan O’Connor putting so much care into making Ava a better person, learning a hard lesson after her daughter’s death and to see these new writer’s undoing it is reprehensible. Worse they went back to the well to drag out an old story line that no one liked including Maura West and decided to make her do it again with Sonny. I like many are about ready to sign off on GH. Ava became one of our favorite characters and to see her destroyed like this is too hard to take.

10 months ago

What they are doing to Ava’s character is unforgiveable. After seeing Dan O’Connor putting so much care into making Ava a better person, learning a hard lesson after her daughter’s death and to see these new writer’s undoing it is reprehensible. Worse they went back to the well to drag out an old story line that no one liked including Maura West and decided to make her do it again with Sonny. I like many are about ready to sign off on GH. Ava became one of our favorite characters and to see her destroyed like this is too hard to take.

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