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Melania Trump Disgusted With Kristi Noem’s Behavior

Clearly, this is not the kind of person that she would want spending a lot of time with her husband or even with her family for that matter. There’s strong speculation on social meia that suggests Melania Trump has been left absolutely disgusted with Kristi Noem’s behavior. This comes after the South Dakota governor admitted to killing her puppy in her new memoir. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Melania Trump Disgusted With Kristi Noem’s Behavior

Melania Trump is definitely shaking her head after hearing reports that Kristi Noem had killed her puppy, Cricket. Apparently, Kristi believed that the puppy was too violent and could not be properly trained for hunting and that’s why she decided to kill the dog. It was definitely a controversial move but one that Kristi apparently doesn’t regret as she wrote about it in her new book.

But for Melania, she doesn’t want someone like this spending too much time at the White House. Up until now, Kristi was in the running to be Donald Trump’s pick for vice president. But it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. As much as Donald wants to cater to his base, he’s still a New York City man by heart. He might not be into pets, but he certainly doesn’t advocate for killing small dogs either. He might do and say very extreme things, but this is something that he doesn’t want to be associated with. Plus, it’s bad publicity and Melania feels the same way.

What’s Next For Kristi Noem?

So far Kristi Noem has not made any comments about the criticism that she’s received, but at the same time, it’s doubtful that she will. But it’s hard not to ignore the fact that her critics are certainly blasting her all of her social media pages for how she treated her family dog. That said, Donald Trump still hasn’t picked out his running mate for his campaign. We will update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

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