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Prince William And Meghan Markle Finally Agree On One Thing

While you would certainly be hard pressed to ever see Prince William and Meghan Markle speaking to one another let alone be in the same room again, it seems like the two in-laws do agree on one thing. And it’s something that has to do with Prince Harry, of course. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince William And Meghan Markle Finally Agree On One Thing

According to reports, Prince William has made it pretty clear that he doesn’t think Prince Harry should come back to the royal fold. Even though the monarchy could use all of the help that it can get with both King Charles and Kate Middleton out of commission due to their health woes, the Prince of Wales doesn’t even want to see his brother come back on a part-time basis. Soon after reports said that Harry was willing to come back to lend a hand, members of the royal rota reminded everyone that he can’t have one foot in and one foot out, regardless of what his intentions may be.

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Prince Harry?

There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that Meghan Markle feels the same way. But that’s mostly because she doesn’t want to see her husband spend more time in London than he has to. It’s also been suggested that the Duchess of Sussex might be scared that if Harry does end up spending more time in the UK, he might not want to come back to California. And that would turn out to be a nightmare of a situation for her and their family.

Of course, Prince Harry feels torn. As much as he loves the family life he’s built in California with his wife, he does miss the old life he left behind in London. Clearly, that doesn’t seem to matter to either Prince William or Meghan Markle. Both want him to stay put where he is as going back to London wouldn’t benefit anyone at all.

So far Prince Harry himself has made no comments about the matter.

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